Two year rolling risk management activities and consultations schedule
July 2019
Two year rolling risk management activities and consultations schedule[a]
The following table provides a high level summary of risk management activities, including opportunities for stakeholder consultations and engagement, and is a source of information on risk management activities that are scheduled to occur during the next two years for substances managed under the Chemicals Management Plan. Note that the timelines of activities outlined in this table may be subject to change. The scope of activities included in this table relate to substances managed under the Chemicals Management Plan and does not include toxic substances under CEPA that are managed under other initiatives. This document is provided for information purposes only and is not an official set of commitments. It is not exhaustive and does not necessarily include all individual final instrument publications or instrument requirements. In the case of discrepancy between this document and the official instrument or regulations, the official version of the instrument or regulations prevails. Not all of the activities described in this table are intended for publication. For more detailed information on any of the activities outlined in the table, please refer to the relevant links in the table or contact by email at
Risk management activity[b] | April 2019 - September 2019 | October 2019 - March 2020 |
Publication of Risk Management Scope document Initiation of consultations with stakeholders on preliminary risk management options |
Risk Management Scope(s) where needed for draft CMP Phase 3 screening assessment reports. See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Risk Management Scope(s) where needed for draft CMP Phase 3 screening assessment reports. See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Publication of Risk Management Approach document Consultations on proposed risk management |
Risk Management Approach(es) where needed for final assessments initiated prior to, and during Phase 3 of the CMP and other chemical substances of interest where needed. See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Risk Management Approach(es) where needed for final assessments initiated prior to, and during Phase 3 of the CMP and other chemical substances of interest where needed. See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Information Gathering including Monitoring and Surveillance to Support Risk Management* Information gathering activities may occur throughout the risk management process to support risk management decision-making and are done in addition to earlier information gathering activities to support risk assessment. *Notices under s.71 of CEPA may be issued following the publication of Risk Management Scope and/or Risk Management Approach documents as needed to support risk management decision-making |
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Consultations on risk management instrument development[c][d][e][f] Includes consultations on the design of instruments prior to publication in the Canada Gazette Pre-publication consultations seek input from stakeholders on the design of the proposed risk management instrument and typically occur 6 - 12 months prior to the publication of the proposed instrument. |
Second public consultation on a proposed approach for managing oil sands mining effluent releases. | Consultation on risk management instrument for BENPAT |
Risk Management Instrument Publication Publication of proposed and final instruments (e.g. in Canada Gazette Part I and II) Proposed regulatory initiatives under the CMP can be found in the Forward Regulatory Plan: |
Publication of the Final Pollution Prevention Plan Notice for PREPOD in CG1 Publication of the proposed Federal Halocarbon Regulations in Canada Gazette Part I Publication of proposed regulations amending the Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations in Canada Gazette Part I Publication of the proposed Regulations Amending the Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing and Reverse Etching Regulations in Canada Gazette Part I (phase 2); Publication of the proposed amendments for the Products Containing Mercury Regulations in CGI. Publication of the proposed Code of Practice for MDIs Publication of the proposed Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products Regulations in Canada Gazette, Part I Publication of the Regulations Repealing the Chlor-Alkali Mercury Release Regulations in CGII. |
Proposed Coal Mining Effluent Regulations in Canada Gazette Part I Proposed Amendments to the Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations (HBCD, PBDEs, PFOS, PFOA, LC-PFCAs, DP, DBDPE) in Canada Gazette Part I. Publication of the proposed amendments for the Products Containing Mercury Regulations in Canada Gazette Part I; Publication of the proposed Lead Wheel Weight Regulations in Canada Gazette Part I. Publication of the proposed Regulations Amending the Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing and Reverse Etching Regulations in Canada Gazette Part I (phase 2); Publication of the final Regulations Amending the Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing and Reverse Etching Regulations in Canada Gazette Part II (phase 1); Publication of the final Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds (Petroleum Sector) Publication of the final release guidelines for DY3 and 25 other azo dyes in Canada Gazette Part I; Publication of the renewal Environmental Performance Agreement 2020-2025 Respecting the Use of Tin Stabilizers in the Vinyl Industry and the revised Guideline for the Environmental Management of Tin Stabilizers in Canada Publication of the proposed Code of Practice to Minimize Releases of Chemicals into the Environment from the Chemicals, Plastics and Rubber Sectors in Canada Gazette Part I |
Risk Management Instrument Implementation Key implementation milestones of instruments including reporting, and compliance promotion activities |
ECCC will publish on its website reports of progress made under the Environmental Performance Agreements 2018-2025 for the base metals smelters and aluminium and alumina sectors, and 2018-2026 for the iron ore pellet sector. Publication of a Progress Report concerning the Environmental Performance Agreement 2015-2020 - Respecting the Use of Tin Stabilizers in the Vinyl Industry. Proactive compliance promotion activities will be delivered on the following:
Publication of a progress report concerning the Environmental Performance Agreement (2015-2020) Respecting the Use of Tin Stabilizers in the Vinyl Industry Publication of the third progress report on the Code of Practice for the Management of Tetrabutyltin in Canada Launch of the new online reporting tool for the Environmental Emergency regulations, 2019. Webinars relating to the new Environmental Emergency Regulations (E2R), 2019 and the new online reporting system in order to assist industry in meeting regulatory requirements. Development of compliance promotion tools related to E2R. Numerous compliance promotion activities related to E2R all across Canada. |
ECCC will publish on its website a report of progress made under the 2006 Pollution Prevention Planning Notice for base metals smelters and refineries and zinc plants. Webinars relating to the new Environmental Emergency Regulations (E2R), 2019 and the new online reporting system in order to assist industry in meeting regulatory requirements. Numerous compliance promotion activities related to E2R all across Canada. |
Performance Measurement Evaluation of risk management actions including performance measurement of instruments and broad performance measurement initiatives such as substance-based performance measurement. |
Final report concerning the completion of the P2P Notice for isoprene | Publication of a Performance Measurement Strategy to establish a long-term approach to systematically assessing the effectiveness of actions taken by the Government of Canada to manage risks from toxic substances. ECCC plans to publish a substance based performance evaluation on the ecological risk management actions for BPA, which will outline and measure the progress made towards meeting the environmental and risk management objectives. Jointly with HC, ECCC plans to publish substance based performance evaluations for mercury and for lead. |
International Risk Management Activities Canada's involvement in international risk management activities support Canada's domestic risk management objectives. |
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Risk management activity[b] | April 2020 - September 2020 | October 2020 - March 2021 |
Publication of Risk Management Scope document Initiation of consultations with stakeholders on preliminary risk management options |
Risk Management Scope(s) where needed for draft CMP Phase 3 screening assessment reports. See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Risk Management Scope(s) where needed for draft CMP Phase 3 screening assessment reports. See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Publication of Risk Management Approach document Consultations on proposed risk management |
Risk Management Approach(es) where needed for final assessments initiated prior to, and during Phase 3 of the CMP and other chemical substances of interest where needed See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Risk Management Approach(es) where needed for final assessments initiated prior to, and during Phase 3 of the CMP and other chemical substances of interest where needed See Two-year Rolling Risk Assessment Publication Plan for the Third Phase of the CMP for more details on the publication schedule for risk assessments. |
Information Gathering including Monitoring and Surveillance to Support Risk Management* Information gathering activities may occur throughout the risk management process to support risk management decision-making and are done in addition to earlier information gathering activities to support risk assessment. *Notices under s.71 of CEPA may be issued following the publication of Risk Management Scope and/or Risk Management Approach documents as needed to support risk management decision-making |
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Consultations on risk management instrument development[c][d][e][f] Includes consultations on the design of instruments prior to publication in the Canada Gazette Pre-publication consultations seek input from stakeholders on the design of the proposed risk management instrument and typically occur 6 - 12 months prior to the publication of the proposed instrument. |
Consultations on the proposed risk management intruments for Natural Gas Condensates (NGCs). Public consultation on the proposed risk management instrument for chlorhexidine and its salts. |
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Risk Management Instrument Publication Proposed regulatory initiatives under the CMP can be found in the Forward Regulatory Plan: |
- | Final Amendments to the Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations (HBCD, PBDEs, PFOS, PFOA, LC-PFCAs, DP, DBDPE) in Canada Gazette Part II. Publication of the final Code of Practice to Minimize Releases of Chemicals into the Environment from the Chemicals, Plastics and Rubber Sectors in Canada Gazette Part I |
Risk Management Instrument Implementation Key implementation milestones of instruments including reporting, and compliance promotion activities |
Compliance promotion activities for 2020-21 will be determined during 2019-20, based on need/priority of increasing awareness of the risk management instruments. Numerous compliance promotion activities related to E2R all across Canada. |
Compliance promotion activities for 2020-21 will be determined during 2019-20, based on need/priority of increasing awareness of the risk management instruments. Numerous compliance promotion activities related to E2R all across Canada. |
Performance Measurement Evaluation of risk management actions including performance measurement of instruments and broad performance measurement initiatives such as substance-based performance measurement. |
Publication of the final report concerning the Environmental Performance Agreement (2015-2020) Respecting the Use of Tin Stabilizers in the Vinyl Industry | - |
International Risk Management Activities Canada's involvement in international risk management activities support Canada's domestic risk management objectives. |
Environmental Emergency Prevention group to start looking into modernizing the Environemntal Emergency Regulations, 2019 to a "class-based" model instead of being product based. | Environmental Emergency Prevention group to start looking into modernizing the Environemntal Emergency Regulations, 2019 to a "class-based" model instead of being product based. |
a Abbreviations: CEPA: Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999; CMP: Chemicals Management Plan; ECCC: Environment and Climate Change Canada; CEC : Commission for Environmental Cooperation; COP: Conferences of the Parties, PNUE: Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement; UNEA: United Nations Environment Assembly
b Additional information on risk management activities may be found in the Chemicals Management Plan Progress Report, which reports on advances in major initiatives and highlights key activities related to the Government of Canada's recent work under the CMP;
c For more information on public consultations that are currently in progress under CEPA, refer to the Public Consultations webpage on the CEPA Environmental Registry;
d For more information on Health Canada's consultations on Existing Substances;
e For more information on the full range of current consultation activities at Environment and Climate Change Canada refer to Consultations: Environment and Climate Change Canada;
f For more information on Government of Canada public consultations.
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