Federal approach to contaminated sites: statement of work for detailed testing


This Statement of Work (SOW) has been developed by [Name of organization] to solicit consulting services for a Detailed Testing Program (also known as a Phase II: Environmental Site Assessment as per the Canadian Standards Association).

Site information

This SOW applies to a Detailed Testing Program to be conducted at [location]. [This section is to be filled out by the Project Manager and should include general information pertaining to the sites being examined. For example, it should include information on known suspected areas of contamination, the types of contaminants that the contractor can be expected to find, key problem areas, etc. This information should be general and will vary in content depending on the number of sites.]


The Detailed Testing Program includes a detailed characterization of on-site contaminants and/or identification of off-site contaminant source(s) that may have affected the site. It should not be carried out unless previous investigations, such as an Initial Testing Program, have validated that:


The following references are listed as guidance documents. This is not an all-inclusive list; therefore, the contractor shall ensure that all applicable references are used. Should more current versions become available during the life of the contract, they shall take precedence and be referred to in subsequent work/reports. With the exception of [name of organization] policy documents and previous assessments completed for the property listed herein, copies of other references will not be made available.

  1. [Name of organization] policy documents [if any];
  2. [Previous assessment reports such as Historical Review report, Initial Testing Program report, environmental impact assessments, environmental baseline studies, well drilling and geotechnical reports that are available from the Project Manager's organization [if any];
  3. Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines for Copper: Environmental and Human Health. CCME, 1997;
  4. Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines for Pentachlorophenol: Environmental and Human Health. CCME, 1997;
  5. Guidance Document on the Management of Contaminated Sites in Canada, Section 5.4. CCME, April 1997;
  6. Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines. CCME 1999;
  7. A Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment: Technical Appendices. CCME, March 1997;
  8. Guidance Manual for Developing Site-Specific Soil Quality Remediation Objectives for Contaminated Sites in Canada. CCME, 1996;
  9. A Protocol for the Derivation of Environmental and Human Health Soil Quality Guidelines. CCME, 1996;
  10. A Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment: General Guidance. CCME, 1996;
  11. Environmental Code of Practice for Aboveground Storage Tank Systems Containing Petroleum Products. CCME, August 1994;
  12. Protocol for the Derivation of Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life. CCME, March 1994;
  13. Subsurface Assessment Handbook for Contaminated Sites. CCME, March 1994;
  14. Guidance Manual on Sampling, Analysis, and Data Management for Contaminated Sites, Volumes I and II. CCME, December 1993;
  15. Environmental Code of Practice for Underground Storage Tank Systems Containing Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products. CCME, March 1993;
  16. Interim Canadian Environmental Quality Criteria for Contaminated Sites - Remediation Criteria for Soil and Groundwater. CCME, September 1991;
  17. Guidelines for the Management of Wastes Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls. CCME, September 1989; and
  18. Canadian Water Quality Guidelines, CCREM, 1987.

Scope of work

To meet the objectives of this mandate, contractors will carry out the following work, subject to site-specific environmental issues or other factors:

  1. Design a field sampling and analytical program to further characterize contaminated areas identified by the Initial Testing Program (Phase II: Environmental Site Assessment). The proposed program should include (but may not be limited to) the following:

    • a review of previous Site Investigation Studies such as the Historical Review (Phase I) report and the Initial Testing Program report (Phase II) to determine the site's history, environmental setting and known environmental condition and to identify any gaps in t
    • he site's history and land use practices;
    • a Health and Safety Plan encompassing expected site hazards, location(s) and directions to the nearest aid facility, personal safety equipment requirements, personnel and equipment decontamination procedures, exclusion zones and restrictions to public access, site health and safety rules, and preventive measures;
    • the identification of previously undiscovered contaminant zones as a result of the gap analysis, if required, and delineation of both new and previously discovered zones;
    • the assessment of analyzed site contamination levels by comparing contaminant levels with appropriate federal or provincial criteria;
    • development of a thorough knowledge of the hydrology and hydrogeology of the area including soil permeability and groundwater flow gradients;
    • sampling of media using appropriate sampling equipment and procedures;
    • sample preservation and shipping requirements;
    • proposed analytical procedures;
    • field and laboratory QA/QC procedures and measures;
    • proposed sampling locations, with an explicit rationale for those locations;
    • description of borehole and monitoring well installation and development procedures;
    • screening methods (e.g. photo-ionization detector (PID), olfactory, visual) to be used;
    • georeferencing of sample locations (e.g. land survey);
    • assessment criteria;
    • expected end-point for data (e.g. hydrogeological/contaminant loading model; detailed volumetric estimate of contaminated material, preliminary ecological risk assessment, etc.);
    • communications between the contractor, land owner/tenant (if applicable), and the Project Manager;
    • compilation, assessment and integration of any additional data or information;
    • identification and evaluation of remedial and/or risk management alternatives appropriate to site conditions, addressing the following considerations as a minimum:
    1. expected effectiveness of each alternative in meeting federal regulatory requirements and applicable federal or provincial contaminant criteria;
    2. technical feasibility of implementing each alternative;
    3. estimated length of time to complete remediation/management of the site; and
    4. estimated cost of implementing each remediation/management alternative to completion; and
    • detailed testing investigation team, with alternates identified for key personnel.
  2. After approval by the Project Manager, complete the sampling and analytical program. Prepare a report describing the program results, including a discussion of contaminated zones, the potential for contaminant migration, and effects of off-site contamination.
  3. The field work undertaken during the investigations in paragraph 1 of the present section shall be aimed at:
    • determining contaminant concentrations in surface water runoff areas in the immediate vicinity of the site;
    • determining background levels of possible contaminants, as well as the natural composition of the soil and groundwater;
    • establishing the subsurface geology of the site including the nature, thickness, heterogeneity, lateral extent and continuity of surficial deposits, depth to bedrock, changes in soil stratigraphy, and the presence of underground anomalies;
    • establishing the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Sufficient samples should be taken from each stratigraphic unit affected by the contamination to determine the following:
      1. effective grain size;
      2. soil porosity;
      3. soil density;
      4. organic carbon content;
      5. soil pH;
      6. moisture content;
      7. microbial density; and
      8. chemical characteristics of the soil in terms of electron acceptors, nutrients, and metal content (i.e. SO4, CO2, total N2, NO2, NO3, P, K, Fe+2, Fe+3, Mn, Zn, and Cu concentrations).
    • establishing the hydrogeology of the site including the depth to the water table, local hydraulic gradient, soil permeability (e.g. slug tests), and the groundwater flow direction;
    • establishing the chemical composition of the groundwater;
    • characterizing the subsurface contamination by taking soil and groundwater samples at an appropriate number of locations to determine the type, form, concentrations, and horizontal and vertical extent of contamination;
    • determining the contaminant sources and the surface and subsurface routes (i.e. past, present and estimated future) for contaminant migration. Retardation factors that may limit the rate of contaminant migration should also be identified; and
    • revising the conceptual model of each contaminated site, created during the previous Initial Testing Program, to reflect the environmental knowledge attained during the Detailed Testing Program.
  4. The report shall provide recommendations on remedial/risk management measures based on known technology. Recommendations should include the type and capacity of equipment required, the time required to complete the remediation and/or risk management measures, the safety procedures to be practised during implementation of the remediation/risk management measures, and costs broken down by major activity. If the property does not require remediation or risk management of the site contaminants, the contractor shall provide that conclusion in the Detailed Testing Program report.

Special requirements

  1. Sample location, topographical, hydrogeological gradient, and existing site layout plans included in the report shall be provided in electronic data form (AutoCad 14 [or format specified by the Project Manager]). Final reports shall be submitted in hard copy ([number of copies to be specified by Project Manager]) and electronic form (WordPerfect and/or Microsoft Word formats), including electronic data copies of all tables and other data as specified by the Project Manager.
  2. Refer any queries about the project from the public, news media or others to the Project Manager.
  3. The Project Manager shall be notified immediately of conditions that pose an imminent threat to human health and the environment.
  4. Analysis of data will be in relation to agreed CCME guidelines or other guidelines identified by the Project Manager.
  5. There may be a special requirement for a qualitative risk assessment, which could be carried out during the course of the Detailed Field Testing Program. [Name of organization] reserves the right to include the requirement for this parallel qualitative risk assessment in the project Scope of Work. Specific requirements for this qualitative risk assessment will be determined by the Project Manager in consultation with the contractor.

General requirements

  1. The Project Manager shall be a person from [Name of organization] or a designated alternate.
  2. Work

    The contractor will be responsible for providing the people and resources to fulfil the terms of this Statement of Work, including the qualified personnel, office space, reference documents, laboratory and data-processing supplies, and machinery and equipment to:

    1. conduct the site visit;
    2. conduct the surface and sub-surface investigations (i.e. drill boreholes, take soil samples, and put in place monitoring wells);
    3. dispose of surplus and contaminated excavated material in approved locations;
    4. take appropriate soil, groundwater, surface water and sediments samples;
    5. ship samples to laboratories;
    6. analyze the samples;
    7. clean up sites on completion of work;
    8. interpret the data and produce the required deliverables as specified in this SOW; and
    9. monitoring.
  3. Liabilities
    1. The contractor shall assume responsibility for any accident or damage caused by its employees or equipment to [Name of organization] property, personnel and monitoring wells.
    2. The contractor shall assume responsibility for the security of its equipment and materials during and after working hours. [Name of organization] shall not be liable for any vandalism, theft or loss.
  4. Notifications/Permits

    The contractor shall be responsible for making whatever representations are necessary to the pertinent organizations in order to carry out the work required to fulfil the terms of this SOW. The costs incurred in obtaining these documents shall be borne by the contractor.

  5. Progress Reporting and Meetings
    1. Progress Reports. Written progress reports [specify page length] shall be provided to the Project Manager for periods determined by the Project Manager. The progress reports shall include a synopsis of work completed during the latest report period and the projected work plan for the following period. The contractor shall be prepared to meet with the Project Manager and to discuss any matter concerning the progress and findings of the site investigation.
    2. Meetings. The contractor shall attend meetings as requested by the Project Manager. Personnel in attendance shall include the contractor's project manager and representative(s) familiar with all technical aspects of the project. The contractor shall prepare minutes of the meetings and send the draft minutes to the [Name of organization] Project Manager for review and approval prior to their dissemination for action. At the discretion of the Project Manager, the contractor may be required to maintain an action item list.
  6. Quality Assurance and Quality Control

    The contractor is expected to identify and adhere to acceptable quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures throughout the project. QA/QC measures shall be explicitly identified in the contractor's work plans and project reports.

  7. Health and Safety Program

    A detailed health and safety plan (HASP) shall be maintained on site at all times. Adherence to the health and safety measures specified in that plan shall be mandatory for all on-site personnel and all site visitors.

  8. Responsibilities and Communication

    All formal communication (e.g. letters of direction, approvals, etc.) will be between the Project Manager and the contractor.

Bidders' conference and proposals

  1. Bidders' Conference

    A bidders' conference will be held at [location] on [date, time] to communicate the requirements of the contract and address any concerns of the interested contractors. At the conference, contractors will be given access to the following information:

    1. [name of organization] policy documents;
    2. available site drawings; and
    3. previous reports such as Environmental Baseline Studies (EBS) and environmental assessment or audit reports for the property.

    [Where possible, the Project Manager will make hard copies of the relevant information or provide the contractors with the information on computer disc. For information that will not be copied (i.e. baseline studies), a schedule will be developed to permit contractors to view these documents].

  2. Letter of Interest

    Contractors wishing to bid on the work shall submit a Letter of Interest to the Project Manager at [location] on or before [date - a minimum of 2 weeks should be given to the contractors to review the pertinent information]. The letter is to provide a condensed version of the technical and management information requested in the full proposal (next section) and an overall cost estimate. The letter shall not be more than six (6) pages in length (3 leaves, double-sided) on 8½" x 11" paper, and the text shall be written in 12 point font. Only the first six pages will be reviewed and scored. The letter will be used to evaluate and select the contractor to carry out the work. If additional information is required prior to making a selection, the four (4) contractors with the highest score will be invited to submit full proposals.

    It is recognized that industry spends a great deal of time, effort and money to develop proposals. By taking this approach, [Name of organization] assures technical credibility and cost effectiveness without asking every contractor to expend time, money and resources to produce full proposals.

  3. Full Proposal [if required]

    [Time period - 3 weeks is suggested] following the bidders' conference, four (4) contractors will be notified of their eligibility to submit their full proposals to [specified address] on or before [date/time]. The proposal is to be submitted in [number] copies outlining the approach to the Detailed Testing Program, the technologies that will be used, a proposed work schedule, and a detailed cost estimate for the work. The proposal should display a logical, cost-effective approach, and include the necessary information to address the evaluation criteria.

Evaluation criteria

  1. General

    Both the Letter of Interest and full proposal will be evaluated and scored in accordance with the following criteria. Contractors must cover each criterion. Proposals should expand on requirements stated in the SOW and describe how the contractor plans on meeting the work requirement.

Item Criteria Weight
1. Understanding of Scope, Objectives and Possible Problems 15
2. Approach and Methodology 35
3. Level of Effort 20
4. Managerial Experience 30
Total Empty 100
  1. Technical Proposal
    1. Understanding of Scope, Objectives and Possible Problems. The bidder should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope and objectives. As well, the contractor must demonstrate that direct and peripheral problems have been anticipated. Proposed solutions to anticipated problems must be presented.
    2. Approach and Methodology. The proposed approach and methodology should follow an efficient and logical sequence that will fulfil the requirements of the Statement of Work. The proposal should explain how sample results will be obtained and analyzed, how quality assurance and quality control will be maintained, and how the health and safety requirements will be met. The contractor should demonstrate its ability to competently evaluate the results and provide meaningful recommendations. A work schedule should show that the project milestones and objectives, both technical and administrative, will be met.
    3. Level of Effort. The contractor should show that a sufficient level of effort will be applied to address the technical requirements of the project in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Proposals will be evaluated on their value-for-money, where value is interpreted as the quality and quantity of work to be done in direct support of the project. Full proposals shall include a breakdown of anticipated work by task and quantity, including:
      • management and supervision;
      • analysis; and
      • disbursements.
  2. Management Proposal

    Managerial Experience. The contractor should demonstrate that its organization, including partners and subcontractors, has the necessary technical and managerial background and experience. Include the background, experience, geographic proximity to the project site and level of involvement by task for each key individual. The contractor should also demonstrate technical background and experience by citing projects of comparable scope and nature that show successful and timely completion (include client references and their points of contact). Indicate other tasks the key individuals may have during the project. The backup for key personnel should be named.

  3. Contractor Selection

    Selection. Selection of the contractor may take place based on the information provided in the Letter of Interest, or, depending on the complexity of the project, it may be necessary to ask contractors to submit their full proposals.

    Letter of Interest (LOI). The bidder selected for contract award or invited to submit a full proposal will be the contractor that:
    1. addresses each evaluation criterion in sufficient depth to allow proper evaluation;
    2. obtains a proposal evaluation score of 75% or higher in each category;
    3. meets all the mandatory requirements set out in the Request for Proposal; and
    4. obtains the highest final score on 100, which includes both the technical proposal and cost. The technical proposal score obtained following the evaluation will be recalculated in relation to a maximum of 90. The lowest budgetary price will get a score of 10, with the next lowest getting 8, 6, 4, 2 and 0. Contractors should be prepared to commit to the budgetary price.

    Full Proposal. If full proposals are requested, the four (4) highest scoring bidders will be asked to submit full proposals. Where more than four (4) LOIs score above 75% and where the scores are tightly grouped, up to six (6) bidders will be invited to submit full proposals. The successful contractor will be the one meeting the technical requirements specified in the previous paragraph and obtaining the highest score on 100, including both the technical proposal and the cost score within the proper budget ceiling of $ [insert average budget price].

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