Federal approach to contaminated sites
Table of contents
- Glossary of terms
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Steps for addressing a aontaminated site
- References
- Appendix A guidance tools: steps for addressing contaminated sites
- Appendix B generic statements of work for a historical review
- Appendix C generic statement of work for an initial testing program
- Appendix D statement of work for a detailed testing program
- Appendix E generic statement of work for human health and/or ecological risk assessment
- List of tables
- List of figures
- Canadian cataloguing in publication data
Contaminated Sites Management Working Group
Dillon Consulting Limited
Ottawa, Ontario
November 1999
A Publication of the CSMWG -- Printed November 2000
The Contaminated Sites Management Working Group (CSMWG) established under the auspices of the Federal Committee
on Environmental Management Systems (FCEMS), is an interdepartmental committee established to investigate, propose
and develop a common federal approach to the management of contaminated sites under federal custody.
The CSMWG is currently co-chaired by the Department of National Defence and Environment Canada. Activities of the
working group are cost shared between participating departments.
Participating Departments
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Canadian Heritage/Parks Canada
Department of Finance
Environment Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
National Defence
Natural Resources Canada
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Solicitor General/Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Transport Canada
Treasury Board Secretariat
Page details
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