Marine weather products and services: Pacific coast
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Forecast Products
The Regular Forecast includes detailed forecast wind speed and direction, weather and visibility, and any wind and freezing spray warnings in effect for the current and following day. (Days 1 and 2)
The Extended Forecast includes a general description of expected wind conditions for the period from the end of the Regular Forecast to the end of the fifth day of the forecast period. (Days 3 to 5)
The Technical Marine Synopsis gives a general picture of the position and motion of the main weather features (lows, highs, fronts).
The Marine Weather Statement informs of potentially hazardous conditions and/or significant weather features.
The Wave Height Forecast describes the expected significant wave height rather than the maximum wave height. Significant wave height is defined as the average of the highest one-third of all waves. Wave heights are described in metres and are measured from trough to crest. Maximum wave heights may be twice as high as the significant wave height.
The NAVTEX Forecast is a shortened version of the marine forecast products. It is transmitted by the Canadian Coast Guard and primarily intended for international users in Canadian waters.
Marine Observations
Environment Canada and its partner organizations provide weather observations and buoy reports along the coast. See maps for observing site locations.
Marine Forecast Areas, Observation Sites and Radio Networks Map

Long description for Map 1
This map shows the Environment Canada marine forecast regions along the entire British Columbia coast. The location of observation points, Canadian Coast Guard transmission points and Environment Canada Weatheradio locations is shown. Weatheradio transmitters are located at eight locations along the coast. Users can listen to local weather forecasts and observations in Vancouver on 162.550 megahertz Victoria on 162.400 megahertz Port Alberni on 162.525 megahertz Port Hardy on 162.525 megahertz Ucluelet on 162.525 megahertz Texada Island on 162.525 megahertz Prince Rupert on 162.525 megahertz Masset on 162.425 megahertz
Marine Forecast Areas, Observation Sites and Radio Networks Close up Map

Long description for Map 2
This map shows the Environment Canada marine forecast regions from the south end of Johnstone Strait to the United States border. The location of observation points, Canadian Coast Guard transmission points and Environment Canada Weatheradio locations is shown. There are five Weatheradio transmitters along the south coast. Users can listen to local weather forecasts and observations in Vancouver on 162.550 megahertz Victoria on 162.400 megahertz Port Alberni on 162.525 megahertz Texada Island on 162.525 megahertz
Forecast Issue Times
All issue times are Pacific Standard or Daylight Saving Time (PST/PDT). Updated forecasts are issued as required.
- Regular Forecast and Technical Marine Synopsis: 4 am; 10:30 am; 4 pm; 9:30 pm
- Extended Forecast: 4 am; 4 pm
- Wave Height Forecast: 4 am; 4 pm
Marine Forecast Content
Wind Speed and Direction: The wind speed is the average wind that is expected over the open water, given in units of knots (1 kt = 1.85 km/h). Wind direction refers to the direction from which the wind is blowing (based on true north and not on magnetic bearings). It should also be noted that with the rugged Pacific coastline, considerable local variations from the forecast winds are possible.
Weather and Visibility: A brief description of the weather is included in the forecast when visibility is expected to be reduced to near or below one nautical mile (1.85 km).
Freezing Spray: Is mentioned in the forecast if conditions are likely to result in ice build up on exposed vessel surfaces.
Air Temperature: Is included in the forecast only if temperatures are expected to be at or below 0° Celsius.
Marine Weather Warnings
- Strong Wind Warning: 20-33 knots (issued only for southern inner coastal waters between March 20th and Remembrance Day)
- Gale Warning: 34-47 knots
- Storm Warning: 48-63 knots
- Hurricane Force Wind Warning: 64 knots or greater (refers to wind speed and does not imply that a hurricane is occurring or expected to occur)
- Freezing Spray Warnings: Ice is expected to build up at a rate of 0.7 cm per hour or greater.
- Localized Warnings: Issued for any hazardous weather that requires immediate attention. Examples include water spout or squall warnings.
Obtaining Forecasts
- Environment Canada's Weather Website
- Forecast Consultation Service (user fees apply): 1-900-565-6565 (direct billing) or 1-888-292-2222 (cellphone access, credit card account billing)
- Environment Canada's public and marine forecasts and warnings broadcast 24 hours a day on Weatheradio.
- Environment Canada's marine weather forecasts and warnings. For information on Radio Aids to Marine Navigation, visit Canadian Coast Guard's Continuous Marine Broadcast (CMB).
Contact Us
For general inquiries, comments and to report equipment outages, please call: 1-877-789-7733 or visit:
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