Nitrosomonas species 804 is a naturally-occurring bacterium commonly found in the environment, predominantly around wastewater treatment facilities and in eutrophic waters. The species name is not provided as it has been claimed to be confidential by the proponent and this masked name has been accepted by the Government.
Nitrosomonas species 804 is not considered to be an animal or plant pathogen.
How is it used?
The notified strain of Nitrosomonas species 804will be used as a component of a water conditioning product to be added to holding tanks containing live seafood where its role will be to oxidize waste ammonia. These tanks will then be exported to Europe.
Why did the Government of Canada assess it?
A micro-organism that is not on the Domestic Substances List (DSL) and is not subject to any other federal legislation, is considered “new” and before it is manufactured in or imported into Canada the Government must assess its potential to harm human health and the environment under the New Substances Notifications Regulations (Organisms), as required by Section 106 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999).
The Government of Canada conducted an assessment of Nitrosomonas species 804 because Novozymes Biologicals Inc. submitted a notification of its intention to import a product containing this new micro-organism into Canada for use in water conditioning. The product will be added to tanks containing live seafood for export.
How is it released to the environment?
Nitrosomonas species 804already exists in the environment, particularly around wastewater treatment facilities.
Environmental release of the notified strain of Nitrosomonas species 804 is not expected because it will be used only within one contained facility for export.
How are Canadians exposed to it?
Based on the intended use, the general population in Canada is not expected to be exposed to Nitrosomonas species 804.
What are the results of the assessment?
The Government of Canada has conducted a science-based evaluation of Nitrosomonas species 804, called a risk assessment.
Risk assessments address potential for harm to the general population in Canada (not including workplace exposures) and the environment.
Although Nitrosomonas species 804 does not cause disease in healthy plants, animals or humans, containment measures are in place to prevent the unintentional spread of Nitrosomonas species 804 from the contained facility into the environment.
Nitrosomonas species 804 is therefore not considered to be harmful to human health or the environment based on the intended use, and the Government of Canada has concluded that Nitrosomonas species 804 is not entering the environment in a quantity or under conditions that constitute a danger to the environment or humans.
What is the Government of Canada doing as a result?
No further action will be taken by the Government of Canada with respect to Nitrosomonas species 804.