New substances: Ministerial prohibitions


When the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and the Minister of Health suspect that a new substance may meet the criteria for toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), control measures are imposed to minimize any risk to the environment or human health.

Ministerial prohibitions imposed under CEPA prohibit any person from manufacturing or importing the substance in any amount. This prohibition expires two years after it is imposed unless, before the expiry of the two years, the Governor in Council publishes a notice of proposed regulations in respect of the substance, in which case the prohibition expires on the day the regulations come into force.

The notifier may submit additional information and request a re-evaluation of the decision made by the New Substances program. The program will review and consider this additional information and may amend or rescind the prohibition or take alternative risk management measures. The prohibition stands unless a notice is published in the Canada Gazette to amend or rescind the prohibition, or the prohibition expires as described above.

Published ministerial prohibitions

The following ministerial prohibitions were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I:

Ministerial prohibitions published in 2005

Ministerial prohibitions published in 2004

Ministerial prohibitions published in 1997

Ministerial prohibitions published in 1996

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