Community-nominated priority places for species at risk


Community-Nominated Priority Places (CNPP) for Species at Risk is part of Canada’s Nature Fund. CNPP will support multi-partner initiatives in priority places where there are opportunities to protect and recover species at risk and their habitat through multi-species and ecosystem-based conservation action.

The application submission period for projects commencing in 2021-22 is now closed.

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CNPP is a 4-year (2019 to 2020 through 2022 to 2023) funding initiative administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

CNPP is seeking joint proposals (lead applicant plus one or more partners) for the second two-year period of the initiative (2021 to 2023) for projects in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, or the Yukon that:

Projects should result in a high return on investment and benefits to multiple species.

Federal, provincial, and territorial governments have already selected 11 priority places to focus collaborative conservation action, following the concept outlined in the Pan-Canadian Approach to Transforming Species at Risk Conservation in Canada Footnote 1 (“Pan-Canadian Approach”). Through the first CNPP call for proposals, ECCC expanded on this initiative to fund 15 projects in additional areas that were not included in these 11 priority places. The second call for proposals targets projects in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, or the Yukon, excluding the South Beringia priority place in the Yukon.

Expected results

Priorities of CNPP will include:

Eligible applicants

Eligible recipients include:

In cases where recipients further distribute funds, the ultimate recipients must be the same as those listed above.

Geographic location

Community-nominated priority places in the second call for proposals must be located in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, or the Yukon and have multiple species at risk residing within them. They must be located outside of the 11 Federal-Provincial-Territorial Priority Places established under the Pan-Canadian Approach. In the territories, there is only one priority place: South Beringia in the Yukon. 

The map below highlights the location of the South Beringia priority place in the territories. If you have a proposed project that overlaps with one or a few of the very small areas at the edge of the South Beringia priority place, please contact your northern regional coordinator, Dawn Andrews (, to discuss whether it is appropriate to apply to CNPP.

See long description below
Federal-Provincial-Territorial Priority Places - South Beringia
Long description

This map shows the location of the South Beringia priority place in the territories. South Beringia is a Federal-Provincial-Territorial Priority Place. Community-nominated priority places must be located outside of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Priority Places.

Eligible projects

Joint proposals (i.e. lead applicant plus one or more partners) are required.

In general, activities that could be implemented in an identified priority place could include the following:

  1. cooperative multi-species, ecosystem/area-based action planning
    • develop goals, objectives, strategies, and project monitoring and implementation plans for selected conservation targets
    • activities could include data collection including Indigenous Knowledge,  mapping, governance-building, stakeholder engagement, capacity building for the use of adaptive management tools
  2. implementation of planned actions
    • implement on the ground recovery and protection actions  (e.g. species management and restoration, species and habitat protection, habitat improvement, threat reduction)
  3. monitoring, analysis and evaluation
    • gather and analyze project monitoring data and update monitoring plan (e.g. Are threats reduced? Are strategies effective?); adapt actions as needed

In cases where applicants have already completed initial stages, such as action planning, proposals can focus on implementation and other subsequent stages. In order to achieve conservation action on the ground quickly, it is recommended that projects do not allocate more than 50% of all funds requested to planning activities.

Range of funding

Federal contributions will be no more than $500,000 per recipient per fiscal year of the funding agreement.

In all applications, the applicant will detail the total costs of proposed activities and identify other sources of funds. Matching funding of at least 0.2:1 for Indigenous recipients from non-federal sources ($0.20 confirmed match for each $1 of federal funding) and at least 1:1 for other recipients from non-federal sources ($1 confirmed match for each $1 of federal funding). Match may include cash and in-kind sources.

Frequently asked questions

What is an appropriate size for a priority place?

The size and boundaries of the nominated priority place should enable the effective conservation of species at risk and their habitats. Examples include: biosphere reserves, small watersheds or sub-watersheds, ecosystems, regional district or municipal boundaries, etc.

What constitutes a “community”?

A “community”, as used in the title of the funding initiative, refers to the partners that are interested in working together to undertake action in the proposed priority place. Partners could include Indigenous peoples, non-profit and for-profit organizations, individual landowners, local governments, among others.

How many community-nominated priority places will be funded in the second call for proposals?

It is anticipated that 3 community-nominated priority places (approximately 1 per territory) will be selected in the second call for proposals.

Why is the second call for proposals only targeted to projects the territories?

No applications were received from the territories through the first call for proposals. The intent of the second call for proposals is to provide an opportunity to increase representation of priority places across Canada.

How will the projects be evaluated?

Projects will be evaluated based on mandatory and merit criteria, such as:

  • contributes towards recovery of species at risk
  • advances partnerships and collaboration, including with Indigenous peoples and
  • contributes to priority co-benefits
  • and evaluation of the technical merit of the proposal, which may include consideration such as applicant experience/capacity, meeting previous commitments, quantifiable performance measures, and overall proposal quality

The evaluation criteria includes those criteria used to identify the 11 national Federal-Provincial-Territorial Priority Places under the Pan-Canadian Approach.

Contact information

For more information, please contact us at

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