Storage tank system identification form: part II

Part II: Storage Tank System Owner and Operator Information

Name of owner/company (Legal name)
Address of owner (Civic address or post box, city, province/territory, postal code)
Name of owner contact
* Title of owner contact
Phone number (including area code)
* Fax number (including area code)
E-mail address of owner contact
Name of operating company or individual (if different from owner)
Address of operating company or individual (if different from owner)
Name of operator contact (if different from owner contact)
* Title of operator contact (if different from owner contact)
Phone number (including area code)
(if different from owner)
* Fax number (including area code)
(if different from owner)
E-mail address of operator contact (if different from owner)

* Name of previous owner (if applicable)

* System Location Categories of Owners/Operators
See: Section 2 of Storage Tank Regulations for details
(Check the appropriate type)
◻ Federal entity (department, agencies, commission, etc.)
◻ Port operation
◻ Railway operation
◻ Aviation operation (Airport Authority)
◻ Aboriginal Land (Reserve)
◻ Third party on federal land
◻ Third party on Aboriginal Land
◻ Port tenants
◻ Airport tenants
◻ Railway tenants

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