Western Chorus Frog Great Lakes, St. Lawrence - Canadian shield population (Longueuil): Emergency Order Summary
The objective of the Emergency Order for the Protection of the Western Chorus Frog (Great Lakes / St. Lawrence - Canadian Shield Population (Longueuil) is to provide for the protection of the Western Chorus Frog in Longueuil, Quebec. The Emergency Order came into force on the day of its registration, on November 20, 2021.
Geographic area
The Emergency Order covers approximately 20 hectares of critical habitat for the metapopulation in Longueuil, portions of which are under development or where authorizations for the future development have been issued (please refer to the map provided below for further details).

Long description for map
This map illustrates the area to which the Emergency Order for the Protection of the Western Chorus Frog Great Lakes / St. Lawrence - Canadian Shield Population (Longueuil) applies. The Emergency Order applies to approximately 20 hectares of land that covers the extension of Boulevard Béliveau and planned development of residential subdivisions in the municipality of Longueuil, Quebec.
Disclaimer: This map illustrates the area to which the Emergency Order applies. It is provided for information only and must not be used for legal interpretation or implementation purposes. If there is any contradiction between the information in the present document and the Emergency Order cited above, the Emergency Order takes precedence.
The prohibitions set out in the Emergency Order are intended to prevent the loss or degradation of the habitat that is necessary for the recovery of the Western Chorus Frog in Longueuil, and to prevent activities that could harm the species. Within the areas covered by the Order, it is prohibited to:
- dig, remove, compact or plow the soil
- remove, prune, mow, damage, destroy or introduce any vegetation, such as a tree, shrub or plant
- drain or flood the ground
- alter surface water in any manner, including by altering its flow rate, its volume or the direction of its flow
- install or construct, or perform any maintenance work on any infrastructure
- use a vehicle, including a vehicle propelled by muscular power, anywhere other than on a road or paved path
- install or construct any structure or barrier that impedes the circulation, dispersal or migration of the WCF
- deposit, discharge, dump or immerse any material or substance, including snow, gravel, sand, soil, construction material, garbage, greywater or swimming pool water; and
- use or apply a fertilizer as defined in section 2 of the Fertilizers Act or a pest control product as defined in section 2 of the Pest Control Products Act
The prohibitions do not apply to a person who is engaging in activities related to public safety or health that are authorized under provincial law. Contravention of the prohibitions under the Emergency Order are considered an offence under SARA.
Why is the Western Chorus Frog at risk?
The Western Chorus Frog (Great Lakes/St. Lawrence and Canadian Shield population), hereafter referred to as “Western Chorus Frog” has been listed as threatened under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) since 2010. The population of Western Chorus Frog in Quebec consists of several metapopulations and isolated populations in the regions of the Montérégie and Outaouais. Today, the Western Chorus Frog occupies only 10% of its historical range in the Montérégie region. Key threats to this species and its habitat include urban development, intensification of agricultural activities, and expansion and maintenance of linear infrastructures.
What you can do
Citizens who live in the area where the Emergency Order applies can play an important role that goes beyond simply protecting the Western Chorus Frog and its habitat. In addition to complying with the specific prohibitions set out in the Order, when using recreational paths, engaging in bird watching or otherwise enjoying the outdoors, try to minimize the potential impacts of your actions on the environment. For example, keep your pets leashed, cycle or snowshoe on designated paths and use more environmentally friendly products and methods when you wash your car or maintain your lawn. While these actions may seem minor, they contribute to collective efforts to conserve nature and its benefits for all, including future generations.
Some activities that are prohibited under the Emergency Order may be authorized through SARA permits. If you are unsure if your activity is prohibited, please contact your regional Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) office. To learn more about this topic, please consult the Guidelines for permitting under Section 73 of Species at Risk Act. To apply electronically, visit the SARA E-permitting System.
What may happen if you do not comply with the Emergency Order?
Section 97 (Offences and Punishment) of SARA provides for penalties for contraventions to the Act, including fines or imprisonment, seizure and forfeiture of things seized or of the proceeds of their disposition. SARA also provides for inspections and search and seizure operations by enforcement officers designated under SARA. Penalties apply equally to species listed as threatened or endangered, and will therefore not change as a result of this Order.
For more information
For more information, publications, questions or comments concerning Species at Risk programs and activities, please contact:
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Public Inquiries Centre
7th floor, Fontaine Building
200 Sacré-Coeur Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
Tel: (819) 938-3860
Tel (in Canada only): (800) 668-6767
E-mail: Enviroinfo@ec.gc.ca
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