Effluent Regulatory Reporting Information System user guide: chapter 2

2.0 Getting started in SWIM

SWIM is the acronym for Environment Canada’s Single Window Information Manager which serves as the “front door” to many reporting programs and provides a way of connecting individual users to these programs.  SWIM allows you to:

You will find that the options on the left menu bar will expand and collapse as you move up and down the menu structure.  When you are entering or modifying data please ensure that you Save your work regularly.  A warning message will be displayed after 19 minutes of inactivity, and after 20 minutes you will be logged out and any unsaved changes will be lost.

To get started:

1.  Go to https://ec.ss.ec.gc.ca/ and select the language you wish to use.

2.  Register for GCKey or use your existing SecureKey Concierge or GCKey service if you are already registered with either one (per Section 3).

3.  Verify or create your SWIM Profile (per section 4.0)

4.  Select or create your organization* (per section 5.0)

5.  Review or create your facility* (per section 6.0).

6.  Granting access to yourself and others as needed: WSER Signing Authority and WSER Regulatee roles (per section 7.0).

7.  Follow the link to ERRIS once you have access to the SWIM home page.

8.  Navigate to the Identification (ID) Reporting function and then complete and submit the ID Report for your wastewater system (per section 8.0).

* In some cases, your organization and/or facility will already be in the SWIM database and will not need to be re-created.

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