Effluent Regulatory Reporting Information System user guide: chapter 4
4.0 Verify or Create your SWIM Profile
This section describes how to ensure that your profile is set up in SWIM.
If you already had a SWIM account and were able to login via a GCKey, chances are that you already have a profile that is associated with your account. You can search for, review and even update your profile if necessary.
If you did not already have a profile (e.g. you are a new user of SWIM and had to create a SWIM account by registering your GCKey as described in the previous section), ensure that you create your profile by following the steps below.
1. Upon registration of your GCKey, you are logged into the system as a new user.
2. You will be presented with the Single Window Information Manager - New User screen where you will be prompted to enter your email address.
Figure 4-1: Email Search
3. Enter your Email Address and click Search.
- Unless you have created a profile previously with the same email address using a different log in User ID and password, your email address will not be found.
4. Next, click on the “Continue to My Profile” button to set up your profile.
If your email address is found, see section 7.0 Managing Access for your Organization/Facility for more information about Account Recovery.
Figure 4-2: Complete Profile
5. A My Profile page will appear. All fields marked with a red asterisk must be filled however it is recommended that you enter as many fields as possible that pertain to you.
6. Click Save once you’ve completed your profile information.
Figure 4-3: Save Profile
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