Biological test method for determining toxicity of sediment using luminescent bacteria: chapter 11


  1. Biological Test Methods and Supporting Guidance Documents Published by Environment Canada’s Method Development & Applications Section
  2. Members of the Inter-Governmental Environmental Toxicity Group (as of April 2002)
  3. Environment Canada Regional and Headquarters Offices
  4. Members of the Scientific Advisory Group
  5. Procedural Variations for Solid-Phase Sediment Toxicity Tests Using Luminescent Bacteria, as Described in Canadian, United States, and Netherlands Methodology Documents
  6. Bench Sheet for Sediment Toxicity Tests Using V. fischeri

Appendix A: Biological Test Methods and Supporting Guidance Documents Published by Environment Canada’s Method Development and Applications SectionFootnote 18

A. Generic (Universal) Biological Test Methods
Title of Biological Test Method or Guidance Document Report Number Publication Date Applicable Amendments
Acute Lethality Test Using Rainbow Trout EPS 1/RM/9 July 1990 May 1996
Acute Lethality Test Using Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) EPS 1/RM/10 July 1990 March 2000
Acute Lethality Test Using Daphnia spp. EPS 1/RM/11 July 1990 May 1996
Test of Reproduction and Survival Using the Cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia EPS 1/RM/21 February 1992 November 1997
Test of Larval Growth and Survival Using Fathead Minnows EPS 1/RM/22 February 1992 November 1997
Toxicity Test Using Luminescent Bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) EPS 1/RM/24 November 1992 --
Growth Inhibition Test Using a Freshwater Alga Selenastrum capricornutum EPS 1/RM/25 November 1992 November 1997
Acute Test for Sediment Toxicity Using Marine or Estuarine Amphipods EPS 1/RM/26 December 1992 October 1998
Fertilization Assay Using Echinoids (Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars) EPS 1/RM/27 December 1992 November 1997
Toxicity Tests Using Early Life Stages of Salmonid Fish (Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, or Atlantic Salmon) EPS 1/RM/28
1st Edition
December 1992 January 1995
Toxicity Tests Using Early Life Stages of Salmonid Fish (Rainbow Trout) EPS 1/RM/28
2nd Edition
July 1998 --
Test for Survival and Growth in Sediment Using the Larvae of Freshwater Midges (Chironomus tentans or Chironomus riparius) EPS 1/RM/32 December 1997 --
Test for Survival and Growth in Sediment Using the Freshwater Amphipod Hyalella azteca EPS 1/RM/33 December 1997 --
Test for Measuring the Inhibition of Growth Using the Freshwater Macrophyte, Lemna minor EPS 1/RM/37 March 1999 --
B. Reference Methods Table note a
Title of Biological Test Method or Guidance Document Report Number Publication Date Applicable Amendments
Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Effluents to Rainbow Trout EPS 1/RM/13
1st Edition
July 1990 May 1996,
December 2000
Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Effluents to Rainbow Trout EPS 1/RM/13
2nd Edition
December 2000 --
Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Effluents to Daphnia magna EPS 1/RM/14
1st Edition
July 1990 May 1996,
December 2000
Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Effluents to Daphnia magna EPS 1/RM/14
2nd Edition
December 2000 --
Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Sediment to Marine or Estuarine Amphipods EPS 1/RM/35 December 1998 --
C. Supporting Guidance Documents
Title of Biological Test Method or Guidance Document Report Number Publication Date Applicable Amendments
Guidance Document on Control of Toxicity Test Precision Using Reference Toxicants EPS 1/RM/12 August 1990 --
Guidance Document on Collection and Preparation of Sediment for Physicochemical Characterization and Biological Testing EPS 1/RM/29 December 1994 --
Guidance Document on Measurement of Toxicity Test Precision Using Control Sediments Spiked with a Reference Toxicant EPS 1/RM/30 September 1995 --
Guidance Document on Application and Interpretation of Single-Species Tests in Environmental Toxicology EPS 1/RM/34 December 1999 --

Appendix B: Members of the Inter-Governmental Environmental Toxicity Group (as of April, 2002)

Federal, Environment Canada

C. Blaise
Centre St. Laurent
Montreal, Quebec

M. Bombardier
Environmental Technology Centre
Ottawa, Ontario

U. Borgmann
National Water Research Institute
Burlington, Ontario

J. Bruno
Pacific Environmental Science Centre
North Vancouver, British Columbia

C. Buday
Pacific Environmental Science Centre
North Vancouver, British Columbia

K. Doe
Atlantic Environmental Science Centre
Moncton, New Brunswick

G. Elliott
Environmental Protection Service
Edmonton, Alberta

F. Gagné
Centre St. Laurent
Montreal, Quebec

M. Harwood
Environmental Protection Service
Montreal, Quebec

D. Hughes
Atlantic Environmental Science Centre
Moncton, New Brunswick

P. Jackman
Atlantic Environmental Science Centre
Moncton, New Brunswick

N. Kruper
Environmental Protection Service
Edmonton, Alberta

M. Linssen
Pacific Environmental Science Centre
North Vancouver, British Columbia

D. MacGregor
Environmental Technology Centre
Ottawa, Ontario

D. Moul
Pacific Environmental Science Centre
North Vancouver, British Columbia

W.R. Parker
Environmental Protection Service
Fredericton, New Brunswick

L. Porebski
Marine Environment Branch
Hull, Quebec

D. Rodrique
Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate
Hull, Quebec

R. Scroggins
Environmental Technology Centre
Ottawa, Ontario

A. Steenkamer
Environmental Technology Centre
Ottawa, Ontario

T. Steeves
Atlantic Environmental Science Centre
Moncton, New Brunswick

G. van Aggelen (Chairperson)
Pacific Environmental Science Centre
North Vancouver, British Columbia

R. Watts
Pacific Environmental Science Centre
North Vancouver, British Columbia

P. Wells
Environmental Conservation Service
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Federal, Fisheries & Oceans Canada

R. Roy
Institut Maurice Lamontagne
Mont-Joli, Quebec


C. Bastien
Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec
Ste. Foy, Quebec

B. Bayer
Manitoba Environment
Winnipeg, Manitoba

D. Bedard
Ontario Ministry of Environment
Rexdale, Ontario

M. Mueller
Ontario Ministry of Environment
Rexdale, Ontario

D. Poirier
Ontario Ministry of Environment
Rexdale, Ontario

J. Schroeder
Ontario Ministry of Environment
Rexdale, Ontario

Appendix C: Environment Canada Regional and Headquarters Offices

351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Place Vincent Massey
Hull, Quebec
K1A 0H3

Atlantic Region
15th Floor, Queen Square
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B2Y 2N6

Quebec Region
105 McGill Street,
8th Floor
Montreal, Quebec
H2Y 2E7

Ontario Region
4905 Dufferin St., 2nd Floor
Downsview, Ontario
M3H 5T4

Prairie and Northern Region
Room 210, Twin Atria No. 2
4999 - 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6B 2X3

Pacific and Yukon Region
224 West Esplanade Street
North Vancouver, British Columbia
V7M 3H7

Appendix D: Members of the Scientific Advisory Group

SAG Members

Mr. Craig Buday
Environment Canada
Pacific Environmental Science Centre
2645 Dollarton Highway
North Vancouver, BC  V7H 1B1
Phone: (604) 924-2514
Fax:(604) 924-2554

Dr. Allen Burton, Jr.
Institute for Environmental Quality
Wright State University
Dayton, OH 45435, USA
Phone: (937) 775-4995
Fax: (937) 775-4997

Mr. Ken Doe
Environment Canada
Toxicology Laboratory
Environmental Quality Section, ECB
Atlantic Environmental Science Centre
P.O . Box 23005
Moncton, NB  E1A 6S8
Phone: (506) 851-3486
Fax:(506) 851-6608

Dr. Kay Ho
Atlantic Ecology Division
U .S. Environmental Protection Agency
27 Tarzwell Drive
Narragansett, RI 02882, USA
Phone: (401) 782-3196
Fax: (401) 782-3030

Ms. Paula Jackman
Environment Canada
Toxicology Laboratory
Environmental Quality Section, ECB
Atlantic Environmental Science Centre
P.O. Box 23005
Moncton, NB  E1A 6S8
Phone: (506) 851-2886
Fax: (506) 851-2907

Mr. Jim Osborne
Environment Canada
Marine Environment Branch
P lace Vincent Massey, 12 th Floor
351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Hull, P Q  K1A 0H3
Phone: (819) 953-2265
Fax: (819) 953-0913

Ms. Linda Porebski
Environment Canada
Marine Environment Branch
Place Vincent Massey, 12th Floor
351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Hull, PQ  K1A 0H3
Phone: (819) 953-4341
Fax: (819) 953-0913

Dr. Philippe Ross
Environmental Science and Engineering Division
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401-1887, USA
Phone: (303) 273-3473
Fax: (303) 273-3413

Mr. Paul Topping
Environment Canada
Marine Environment Branch
Place Vincent Massey, 12th Floor
351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Hull, PQ  K1A 0H3
Phone: (819) 953-0663
Fax: (819) 953-0913

Mr. Sylvain Trottier
Environment Canada
Centre Saint-Laurent
105 McGill Street
Montreal, PQ  H2Y 2E7
Phone: (514) 496-7104
Fax: (514) 496-7143

Scientific Authority

Mr. Rick Scroggins
Environment Canada
Method Development and Applications Section
Environmental Technology Centre
3439 River Road South
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0H3
Phone: (613) 990-8569
Fax: (613) 990-0173


Dr. Don McLeay
McLeay Environmental Ltd.
2999 Spring Bay Road
Victoria, BC  V8N 5S4
Phone: (250) 472-2608
Fax: (250) 472-2609

Mr. Gary Wohlgeschaffen
Marine Environmental Sciences
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
P.O. Box 1006
Dartmouth, NS  B2Y 4A2
Phone: (902) 426-2479
Fax: (902) 426-6695

Appendix E: Procedural Variations for Solid-Phase Sediment Toxicity Tests Using Luminescent Bacteria, as Described in Canadian, United States, and Netherlands Methodology Documents

Source documents are listed here chronologically, by originating agency rather than by author(s).

EC 1992 represents EC (Environment Canada), “Biological Test Method: Toxicity Test Using Luminescent Bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum)”, Conservation and Protection, Ottawa, ON, Report EPS 1/RM/24, 61 p. (1992).

MICROBICS 1992 represents Microbics, “Detailed Solid-Phase Test Protocol”, p. 153-178, in: Microtox Manual--A Toxicity Testing Handbook, Microbics Corporation, Carlsbad, CA (1992).

MICROBICS 1995a represents Microbics, “Microtox Acute Toxicity Solid-Phase Test”, Microbics Corporation, Carlsbad, CA, 18 p. (1995a).

ASTM 1995 represents ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), “Standard Guide for Conducting Sediment Toxicity Tests with Luminescent Bacteria”, Draft No. 8, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA (1995).

EC 1996a represents EC (Environment Canada), “Procedure for Conducting a Microtox Solid-Phase Test”, Toxicology Section, Environmental Quality Laboratories, Environmental Conservation Branch, Moncton, NB, Standard Operating Procedure #43, 10 p., Prepared January 1996 by G. Wohlgeschaffen. Atlantic Environmental Science Centre, Moncton, NB (1996a).

AZUR 1997 represents AZUR, “Basic Solid-Phase Test”, AZUR Environmental, Carlsbad, CA, Draft 6-11-97, 4 p. (1997).

AZUR 1998a represents AZUR, “Basic Solid-Phase Test (Basic SPT)”, AZUR Environmental, Carlsbad, CA, 16 p. (1998).

AZUR 1998b represents AZUR, “Solid-Phase Test (SPT)”, AZUR Environmental, Carlsbad, CA, 19 p. (1998).

EC 1999a represents EC (Environment Canada), “Standard Operating Procedure for the Solid-Phase Toxicity Test Using Luminescent Bacteria (Vibrio fischeri)”, SOP No. IC50MS10.SOP, First Draft, 18 p., prepared October 1999 by C. Buday. Pacific Environmental Science Centre, North Vancouver, BC (1999a).

NICMM 1999 represents NICMM (National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management/RIKZ), “Standard Operating Procedures, Marine: Microtox Solid-Phase (Vibrio fisheri) Sediment Toxicity Test”, C.A. Schipper, R.M. Burgess, M.E. Schot, B.J. Kater, and J. Stronkhorst, Project SPECIE*BIO, RIKZ/AB-99.107x, Ver.1.1, June 1999, 23 p, NICMM, Middelburg, The Netherlands (1999).

1. Sample Type, Collection, and Transport
Document Sample
Container Field
EC 1992 soil, sediment, sludge follow guidance in ASTM (1991) and EC (1994) 1-7 glass or TeflonTM-coated are preferred; polyethylene, polypropylene acceptable; 500 mL to 1 L NI
MICROBICS 1992 soil, sediment NITable note a.1 NI new borosilicate TFE-lined caps NI
MICROBICS 1995a soil, sediment NI NI new borosilicate Teflon-lined caps NI
ASTM 1995 sediment follow ASTM Standard Guides E 1367, E 1383, and E 1391 4 ± 2 newTable note b borosilicate TFE-lined caps yesTable note c
EC 1996a soil, sediment NI NI NI NI
AZUR 1997 soil, sediment NI NI NI NI
AZUR 1998a soil, sediment NI NI NI NI
AZUR 1998b soil, sediment NI NI NI NI
EC 1999a soil, sediment NI NI 50 mL centrifuge tube NI
NICMM 1999 sediment NI NI NI NI
2. Sample Storage
Document Airspace? Temp (°C) Light/Dark Maximum
EC 1992 no 4 ± 2 dark 6 weeks
MICROBICS 1992 no 2-8 NI 48 h if possible
MICROBICS 1995a no fridge NI 48 h if possible
ASTM 1995 no 4 ± 2 dark 2-8 weeks
EC 1996a NITable note a.2 NI NI NI
EC 1999a no 4 ± 2 dark 6 weeks
NICMM 1999 NI 4 dark < 4 weeks
3. Sample Pre-treatment and Characterization
Document Sieve? Remove
EC 1992 NITable note a.3 NI NI mix thoroughly colour
MICROBICS 1992 NI NI yes(≥1 mm) yes pH
(1-3 min)
ASTM 1995 no yes yes(>5 mm) yes organic carbon or total volatile solids, particle size distribution, ammonia, percent water, pH
EC 1996a NI NI NI yes NI
AZUR 1997 NI NI NI yes
(1-3 min)
AZUR 1998a NI NI NI mix thoroughly NI
AZUR 1998b NI NI NI mix thoroughly NI
EC 1999a no yes yes mix thoroughly NI
NICMM 1999 NI NI NI yes for porewater:Table note b.1 pH, salinity, sulphide, ammonia
4. Drying Subsample for Determining Water Contents
Document Amount (g) Replicates Weighing Precision (g) Temperature
EC 1992 NITable note a.4 NI NI NI NI
MICROBICS 1995a 5 ± 0.2 3 ± 0.01 100 ± 5 24 h
ASTM 1995 a few NI NI ~100 overnight
EC 1996a 3-5 3 ± 0.01 60-100 48 h
EC 1999a 5 ± 0.2 3 ± 0.01 100 ± 5 24 h
NICMM 1999 ~ 5 3 NI 100 24 h
5. Sediment Subsample, Diluent, Container for Primary Dilution and Test Concentrations
Document Subsample
Diluent (mL)
for Primary
for Test
EC 1992 0.4 yes (centrifuge) Solid-Phase Diluent 4.0 NATable note a.5 SPT tubeTable note b.2
MICROBICS 1992 0.3 yes (centrifuge) Solid-Phase Diluent 3.0 NATable note a.5 SPT tubeTable note b.2,Table note c.1
MICROBICS 1995a 7.00 optional NaCl or NaNO3 Diluent 35 new 50 mL glass or plastic SPT tubeTable note b.2,Table note c.1
ASTM 1995 7 ± 0.35Table note d no 3.5% NaCl or 3.02%
NaNO3Table note e
35 new, clean borosilicate glassTable note f new, clean borosilicate glass tubeTable note f
EC 1996a 7 ± 0.05 NITable note g Solid-Phase Diluent 35 new 50 mL disposable polypropylene SPT tubeTable note b.2,Table note c.1
AZUR 1997 7.00 NI Diluent or reference seawater 35 ~50 mL beaker cuvetteTable note h
AZUR 1998a 7.00 NI Solid-Phase Diluent 35 ~50 mL beaker cuvetteTable note h
AZUR 1998b 7.00 NI Solid-Phase Diluent 35 ~50 mL beaker SPT tubeTable note b.2,Table note c.1
EC 1999a 0.3 yes (centrifuge) 3.5% NaCl 3.0 NATable note a.5 SPT tubeTable note b.2,Table note i
NICMM 1999 7.0 NI Solid-Phase Diluent 35 serum tube SPT tubeTable note b.2,Table note c.1
6. Mixing the Primary Dilution of Sediment
Document pH
Time (min)
EC 1992 NITable note a.6 shake and use pipette NATable note b.3 NI (mix well)
MICROBICS 1992 NITable note c.2 shake and use pipette NA NI (completely dissociate and suspend sample)
MICROBICS 1995a NI magnetic plate, TeflonTM stir bar half the height of liquid level 10
ASTM 1995 noTable note d.1 magnetic plate, Teflon stir bar half the height of liquid level 20Table note e.1
EC 1996a NI magnetic stirrer 1/3 the height of liquid level 10
AZUR 1997 NI magnetic plate, Teflon stir bar half the height 10 of liquid level
AZUR 1998a NI magnetic plate, Teflon stir bar half the height of liquid level 10
AZUR 1998b NI magnetic plate, Teflon stir bar half the height of liquid level 10
EC 1999a no shake and use pipette NA NI (completely dissociate and suspend sample)
NICMM 1999 NI magnetic plate, Teflon stir bar half the height of liquid level 10, or until suspension is homogeneous
7. Preparation of Series of Test Concentrations
Document Factor Dilution Number of Test Concentrations Volume Transferred from Primary Dilution to Tube with Maximum Test Concentation (mL) Number of Times to Mix with Pipette to Resuspend Particles Volume Transferred Serially from Maximum to Lowest Concentration (mL)
EC 1992 1:2 9 NATable note a.7 NITable note b.4 2.0
MICROBICS 1992 1:2 12Table note c.3 NA 5-6× 1.5
MICROBICS 1995a 1:2 13Table note c.3 1.5Table note d.2 NI 1.5
ASTM 1995 1:2Table note c.3 12Table note c.3 1.5Table note e.2 several 1.5
EC 1996a 1:2 12 1.5Table note d.2,Table note e.2 3-4× 1.5
AZUR 1997 1:2 9 2.0Table note f.1 thoroughly 1.0
AZUR 1998a 1:2 9 2.0Table note f.1,Table note g.1 mix 1.0
AZUR 1998b 1:2 13 1.5Table note d.2,Table note g.1 mix 1.5
EC 1999a 1:2 10 1.5Table note e.2 5-6× 1.5
NICMM 1999 1:2 13 1.5 10× 1.5
8. Maximum Test Concentration, Controls, Duplicates, and Containers Inoculated
Document Maximum Test
ConcentrationTable note a.8
Number of Control SolutionsTable note b.5 Duplicates of Each Test Concentration? Initial (I0) Light Readings? Containers Inoculated with ReagentTable note c.4
EC 1992 10% 1 optional no SPT tubes
MICROBICS 1992 98 684 mg/L or 9.868% 3 optional no SPT tubes
MICROBICS 1995a 19.737% 4 yes no SPT tubes
ASTM 1995 10% 3 no no glass tubes
EC 1996a 197 368 mg/L 3 no no SPT tubes
AZUR 1997 9.9% or 99 000 mg/L 1 optionalTable note d.3 yesTable note e.3 cuvettesTable note f.2
AZUR 1998a 99 000 mg/L 1 optionalTable note d.3 yesTable note e.3 cuvettesTable note f.2
AZUR 1998b 9.9% or 99.01 mg/LTable note g.2 2 no no SPT tubes
EC 1999a 9.868% 3 no no SPT tubes
NICMM 1999 19.737% 4 yes no SPT tubes
9. Equilibration of Test Concentrations Before Inoculation with Bacteria
Document Equilibration Temperature (°C) Equilibration Time (min)
EC 1992 15 ± 0.3 NI
MICROBICS 1992 15 10
MICROBICS 1995a 15 10
ASTM 1995 15 ± 0.5 NI
EC 1996a 15 10
AZUR 1997 NITable note a.9 5
AZUR 1998a NITable note a.9 5
AZUR 1998b 15 5
EC 1999a room temperature (~20) 5
NICMM 1999 15 10
10. Test Organisms, Source, and Storage
Document Species Strain Source Storage
Temperature (°C)Table note a.10
EC 1992 P. phosphoreumTable note b.6 NRRL B-11177Table note c.5 Microbics -20
MICROBICS 1992 P. phosphoreumTable note b.6 NI Microbics NI
MICROBICS 1995a NITable note d.4 NI Microbics NI
ASTM 1995 V. fischeri NRRL B-11177Table note c.5 NI -20
EC 1996a P. phosphoreumTable note b.6 NI NI NI
AZUR 1997 NI NI AZURTable note e.4 NI
EC 1999a V. fischeri NRRL B-11177Table note c.5 AZUR -20
NICMM 1999 V. fischeri NI AZUR NI
11. Reconstitution of Lyophilized (Freeze-dried) Bacteria
Document Source of Reconstitution
SolutionTable note a.11
Usable Life Swirl Vial Mixing Reconstituted Bacteria
EC 1992 Microbics 3-5 2 h 3- 4× 20× with 0.5 mL pipette
MICROBICS 1992 Microbics NITable note b.7 2 h 3-4× 20× with 0.5 mL pipette
MICROBICS 1995a Microbics NITable note b.7 NI NI 10× with 0.5 mL pipette
ASTM 1995 water 5.5 ± 1 NI a few times 20× with 0.5 mL pipette
EC 1996a AZUR NITable note b.7 NI 10× with 0.5 mL pipette
AZUR 1997 AZUR NITable note b.7 3 h NI 10× with 0.5 mL pipette
AZUR 1998a AZUR NITable note b.7 3 h 3-4× 10× with 0.5 mL pipette
AZUR 1998b AZUR NITable note b.7 3 h 3-4× 10× with 0.5 mL pipette
EC 1999a lab-distilled water NITable note b.7 3-4 h 3-4× 20× with 0.5 mL pipette
NICMM 1999 AZUR NITable note b.7 4 h noTable note c.6 20× with 1 mL pipette
12. Inoculation, Incubation, and Filtration of Test Concentrations
Document Volume of Inoculum (µL) Mixing Procedure Times Mixed Incubation Time (min) Incubation Temperature (°C) Insert Filter Columns?Table note a.12
EC 1992 NITable note b.8 NI NI 20 15 ± 0.3 yes
MICROBICS 1992 20 1.5 mL pipette 5-6× 20 15 yes
MICROBICS 1995a 20 shake, then 1.5 mL pipette NI 20 15 yes
ASTM 1995 20 shake or vortex NI 20 15 ± 0.5 yes
EC 1996a 20 1.5 mL pipette 20 15 yes
AZUR 1997 10Table note c.7 shake NI 30Table note c.7 NITable note d.5 noTable note e.5
AZUR 1998a 10Table note c.7 shake NI 30Table note c.7 NITable note d.5 noTable note e.5
AZUR 1998b 20 1.5 mL pipette NI 20 15 yes
EC 1999a 20 1.5 mL pipette 5-6× 20 temperature (~20) room yes
NICMM 1999 20 manual NI 20 15 yes
13. Measuring Bacterial Luminescence
Document Analyzer Volume Transferred (µL) Cuvette Type Stabilization ConditionsTable note a.13 Reading Cuvette
EC 1992 Microtox Model 2055, Model 500 500 glassTable note b.9 5 min,
15 ±0.3°C
manually inserted
MICROBICS 1992 Microtox Model 500 500 glassTable note b.9 5 minTable note c.8 manually inserted
MICROBICS 1995a Model 500 500 glassTable note b.9 10 minTable note c.8 manually inserted
ASTM 1995 photometer 500 glassTable note b.9 10 min,
15 ± 0.5°C
photometer instruction manual
EC 1996a Model 500 500 glassTable note b.9 NITable note c.8,Table note d.6,Table note e.6 manually inserted
AZUR 1997 NITable note d.6,Table note f.3 500Table note g.3 NITable note d.6,Table note h.1 NITable note c.8,Table note d.6,Table note i.1 manually inserted
AZUR 1998a Model 500 500Table note g.3,Table note j NITable note d.6,Table note h.1 NITable note c.8,Table note d.6,Table note i.1 manually inserted
AZUR 1998b Model 500 500 NITable note d.6,Table note h.1 10 minTable note c.8 manually inserted
EC 1999a Microtox Model 500 500 glassTable note b.9 5 minTable note c.8 manually inserted
NICMM 1999 Microtox Model 500 500 glassTable note b.9 NITable note c.8 manually inserted
14. Use of Reference Sediment
Document Use and Properties of Reference Sediment Use to Correct Sample Values?Table note a.14
EC 1992 must useTable note b.10; parallel test; should be similar in particle sizes and organic/inorganic content NITable note c.9
MICROBICS 1992 optional/desirable; “control” samples from area useful in d istinguishing toxicity NI
MICROBICS 1995a desirable; match with test material for particle size, organic and mo isture content optional; analytical data “reduced” versus reference
ASTM 1995 recommended; important to match with test material for particle size optionalTable note d.7; analytical data “reduced” versus reference
EC 1996a optional NI
AZUR 1997 recommended; match with test material for particle size, organic and moisture content noTable note e.7
AZU R 1998a recommended; match with test material for particle size, organic and moisture content noTable note e.7
AZUR 1998b recommended; match with test material for particle size, organic and moisture content NI
EC 1999a recommended; “control” samples from area with similar particle size useful in distinguishing toxicity no
NICMM 1999 correction made for the measured silt and clay fraction of sample using an equation derived from own data and from Ringwood et al. (1997) use equation to correct EC50
15. Data Analysis and Guidelines for Judging Sample Toxicity
Document Date Entry Method of Analysis EndpointTable note a.15
Guidelines for Judging Toxicity?Table note b.11
EC 1992 software data capture manual or software graphingTable note c.10 IC50 (%  t:v) no
MICROBICS 1992 software data capture manual or software graphing ECxx (mg/L) no
MICROBICS 1995a software data capture manual or software graphing ECxx (% wt:v) no
ASTM 1995 manual manual calculations and graphs ICxx (% wt:v) yesTable note d.8
EC 1996a software data capture software graphing ICxx (mg/L) no
AZUR 1997 software data capture software graphing EC50 (% wt:v) or
EC50 (mg/L)
yesTable note e.8
AZUR 1998a NITable note f.4,Table note g.4 software graphing IC50 (mg/L) yesTable note h.2
AZUR 1998b NITable note f.4,Table note g.4 NITable note c.10,Table note f.4 NI no
EC 1999a software data capture software graphing IC50 (% wt:v) yesTable note i.2
NICMM 1999 software data capture manual or software graphing ECxx (% wt:v) no
16. Normalizing and Correcting Data for Moisture, Colour, and Turbidity
Document Normalize for Moisture? Correct for Colour? Correct for Turbidity?
EC 1992 NITable note a.16 NI NI
MICROBICS 1992 no yesTable note b.12 yesTable note b.12
MICROBICS 1995a yesTable note c.11 yesTable note d.9 yesTable note d.9
ASTM 1995 optional optionalTable note d.9,Table note e.9 NI
EC 1996a yes yes yes
AZUR 1997 NI noTable note f.5 noTable note g.5
AZUR 1998a NI noTable note f.5 noTable note g.5
AZUR 1998b NI noTable note f.5 noTable note g.5
EC 1999a yesTable note c.11 no no
NICMM 1999 yesTable note c.11 NI NI
17. Quality Control
Document Reference Toxicant Control Sediment? Requirement for Valid Sediment Toxicity Test
EC 1992 phenol, zinc, potassium dichromate, sodium lauryl sulphate yesTable note a.17 valid numerical estimate of ICp based on concentrations showing light inhibition both greater than, and less than, the inhibition at the ICp
MICROBICS 1992 phenol, zinc NITable note b.13,Table note c.12 NITable note b.13
MICROBICS 1995a NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13 if Gamma for each test concentration is >1, a repeat test is required using <7 g in primary dilution
ASTM 1995 phenol, zinc yes (may be the reference sediment) if SD of the light reading for the three control solutions exceeds ~12% of the mean, the test should be considered unacceptableTable note d.10
EC 1996a NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13
AZUR 1997 NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13,Table note e.10
AZUR 1998a NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13,Table note e.10
AZUR 1998b NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13 NITable note b.13
EC 1999a HS-6 standard sediment Roberts Bank “clean” sediment IC50s for “clean” sediment and HS-6 within warning limits (± 2 SD) of respective control charts
NICMM 1999 zinc yesTable note a.17 porewater sulphide, <16.5 mg/L; porewater pH, 6.5-7.5 (± 0.5), porewater salinity, >8‰; EC50 for reference toxicant (ZnSO4) within ± 3 SD of control chart; EC50 for control sediment, <1000 Toxic Units

Appendix F: Bench Sheet for Sediment Toxicity Tests Using V. fischeri

Test Method: Analyst:
Reagent Lot: Expiry Date:
Date of Test Filename and/or Sample Date
in Field
in Lab
Temp (°C)
on Arrival
Reagent Recon
TimeTable note a.18
Test Start Time NotesTable note b.14

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