Statement by FCAC Commissioner: Making change that counts this International Women’s Day


Throughout my career, more doors have opened to women, but still not enough to close the gender gap. We need to act more deliberately to foster a culture of equity. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s (FCAC) research indicates that women face different and greater financial challenges than men, including systemic and societal barriers to building financial resilience. If we provide the right resources and opportunities, we can help more women achieve equal outcomes.

That’s why I am pleased “Every Woman Counts” is Canada’s theme for International Women's Day. We are reminded that all women have a place in every aspect of Canadian society.

This theme also aligns with FCAC’s National Financial Literacy Strategy “Make Change that Counts”. The evidence-based approaches in the National Strategy show that if we identify and understand the diverse needs of women, we and our partners in the financial ecosystem can better develop initiatives that address the gender gap in financial literacy.

For example, FCAC is partnering with ChatterHigh to experiment with ways to increase the financial confidence of middle and high school students, particularly young women, using an online gamified platform. The preliminary findings show that participants’ confidence about money and budgeting increased after completing the intervention. This is important because confidence in budgeting and money management leads to less financial stress and more positive financial outcomes.

By advancing initiatives that foster equity, we are making change that counts. Initiatives like these help girls and women set a stronger foundation for their financial lives and close the gender gap.

Because every woman counts.

Judith Robertson
Commissioner, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

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