Quit planner

Quit planner

About a quit plan

A quit plan is a set of steps you can use to prepare for your next attempt to quit smoking. Making a quit plan and putting it into action can make quitting easier and help you succeed.

How to use

Answer the questions below to make your quit plan.

You can write out your answers on a piece of paper, or type your answers into the boxes below.

Please note that we do not collect or save your answers. When you click submit you can:

Make your quit plan

Helpful hints

  • Write clear statements that are meaningful and motivating to YOU.
  • You might reflect on what it would mean for your health, family, finances, sense of freedom, etc.
  • There are no wrong answers.

2. Do you have any concerns about quitting? What could you do to deal with each concern?

Helpful hints

  • Pairing concerns with strategies to deal with them can help.
  • For example, if one of your concerns is losing an activity that you enjoy, one strategy is to give yourself more time for your favourite hobbies.
  • Concerned about weight gain? You could try establishing healthy habits ahead of your quit date.
  • If this is not your first attempt, what can you do differently this time?
  • While you know yourself best, consulting a quit coach or healthcare provider can also suggest new perspectives and strategies that have helped others.
3. What triggers or routines are linked to your cravings to smoke? (select all that apply)

Helpful hints

  • We've provided some common answers, but identifying your own personal triggers and routines can help you plan how to deal with them.
  • If you are not sure what your triggers are, take note of your experience the next few times you smoke.
4. How will you resist a craving to smoke? (select all that apply)

Helpful hints

  • When a craving hits, it will be easier to resist if you already have a strategy in place for what to do instead.
  • We've provided some common answers, but yours will depend on the overall approach and tools you choose.
  • Some quit aids can also help reduce the number and the strength of cravings you experience.
5. Which approach(es) to quitting will you use? (select all that apply)

Helpful hints

  • These approaches reflect your overall strategy.
  • Will your attempt be sudden or gradual?
  • Involve getting support or will it be unassisted?
  • There are many ways to approach quitting smoking –the key is finding what works for you.
6. Which of the following tools and supports will you choose? (select all that apply)

Helpful hints

7. Set your quit date.

Helpful hints

  • The date you choose should give you time to prepare, but not be so far ahead that you lose motivation.
  • Put it in your calendar as soon as you decide and set reminders to review your progress.
  • If you're planning to stop all smoking at once, getting rid of all tobacco products from your house from the very start can help you succeed.
  • If you're reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke over time, set specific goals.
  • Don't forget to plan some rewards along the way – you deserve it!
After that date, I will:

End notes

Footnote 1

Choosing tools to help you quit such as long-acting nicotine replacement therapy or medications can reduce the frequency and severity of cravings.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

While vaping products have not yet been approved as quit smoking aids in Canada under the Foods and Drugs Act, adults have legal access to these commercial products as a less harmful alternative to smoking. Studies suggest that vaping nicotine may help a greater proportion of people quit smoking than nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or counseling alone. See:

Hartmann-Boyce J, Lindson N, Butler AR, McRobbie H, Bullen C, Begh R, Theodoulou A, Notley C, Rigotti NA, Turner T, Fanshawe TR, Hajek P. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD010216. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub7.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

Cytisine is approved in Canada as a natural health product for smoking cessation. It does not require a prescription and is sold in certain pharmacies, health stores, and online.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

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