Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products: Agenda 

Fifth Meeting: Friday, June 23, 2023, 1:00 to 4:00 pm EST
Virtual meeting over Zoom


Meeting Agenda
Item Time Topic Open to observers
1 5 min Welcome and introductory remarks Yes
2 10 min Co-chairs address, review of affiliations and interests Yes
3 30 min SAC-PCP's advice and recommendations on the third charge question (science literature review strategy), the PMRA's response, and next steps Yes
4 35 min Presentation on the targeted review of the Pest Control Products Act – "What We Heard" Report Yes
5 10 min Break Yes
7 85 min Update on PMRA's National Water Monitoring Program for pesticides Yes
8 5 min Closing remarks and adjournment of the meeting Yes

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