Table of Contents for Ministerial Transition Materials
- An Overview of the Health Portfolio - Ministerial Briefing Volume I
- Hot Issues - Ministerial Briefing Volume II
- Platform Analysis - Ministerial Briefing Volume III
- Strategic Advice - Options - Ministerial Briefing Volume IV
- Background on Health Portfolio Organizations - Ministerial Briefing Volume V
- Background on Government and Portfolio Processes - Ministerial Briefing Volume VI
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An Overview of the Health Portfolio - Ministerial Briefing Volume I
Table of Contents
- A. An overview of the Health Portfolio and your new responsibilities
- B. An overview of the organizations that you oversee
- 1. Health Canada
- 2. Public Health Agency of Canada
- 3. Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- 4. Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- 5. Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
NB: More detailed information on each of these organizations can be found in Volume V. - C. Decision-making in the Health Portfolio
- 6. Overview of legislative and regulatory responsibilities
- 7. Overview of Health Portfolio legislation
- D. Relationships with the provinces and territories
- 8. An overview of the federal-provincial/territorial environment
- 9. List of provincial and territorial Ministers of Health
- E. Relationships with critical health players
- 10. An overview of pan-Canadian Health Organizations
- 11. An overview of other important players in Canada's health landscape
- 12. List of other key players
- F. Relationships with the international community
- 13. An overview of the Minister's role in the international health community
- 14. List of international partners for Ministerial engagement and upcoming international events
Hot Issues - Ministerial Briefing Volume II
Table of Contents
- A. Hot Issues for Immediate Decision or Attention
Decision- 1. External panel on options for a legislative response to Carter vs. Canada (Physician Assisted Dying)
- 2. Supervised Consumption Sites
- 3. Canada Health Act - key current compliance issues
- 4. Apotex litigation
- 5. Expiry of the order - Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to Ebola Virus Disease in Canada
- 6. Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention (legislated)
- 7. Items approved through Budget 2015 that require Treasury Board approval
- 8. Bringing the Safe Foods for Canadians Act into force
- 9. Canadian Food Safety Information Network
- 10. Decision on Lyme Disease Conference (legislated)
- 11.
- 12. Tlicho Funding Agreement (Northwest Territories)
- 13. Canada First Research Excellence Fund - authority to access funding
Attention- 14. Marijuana for medical purposes
- 15. Review access to Naloxone in Canada
- 16. Pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (PCPA)
- 17. Office of the Auditor General Fall 2015 Report - Study/Audit of Services to First Nations
- Other Hot Issues
Regulatory Issues- 18. E-cigarettes / vaping
- 19. Chemicals Management Plan
- 20. Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc., and the medicine Soliris
- 21. Impact of Neonicotinoid pesticides on bees
- 22.
- 23. Legislative amendments to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA)
- 24. Draft tamper-resistant properties for drug regulations
- 25. Nutrition labelling
- 26.
- 27. Drug shortages regulations
- 28. Protecting Canadians from Unsafe Drugs Act (Vanessa's Law) Regulations
- 29.
- 30. Regulation of Genetically Modified (GM) animals and foods
- 31. Federal Tobacco Control Strategy
- 32. Flavoured tobacco products
- 33. Health Warning Messages on tobacco products
- 34. Compliance and enforcement modernization (Inspection Review)
- 35. Daime tea
- 36. Asbestos
- 37. Commercial cultivation of opium poppy
- 38. Regulating APAAN (a powder used in the production of methamphetamines)
- 39. Lead and Cadmium
- 40. Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Service delivery and user fees
- 41. Pesticide cost recovery
- 42. Potable Water on Board Trains, Vessels, Aircraft and Buses Regulations
- 43. Regulatory Transparency and Openness Framework
- 44. Effective measures of a food safety system
- 45. Product recalls
Stakeholder Issues- 46. Compensation to victims of Thalidomide
- 47. Dementia
- 48. Fall 2015 Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development - Audit of Health Canada's pesticide program
- 49. Safety Code 6
- 50. Wind turbine noise and health
- 51. Commissioner of Official Languages - Report on the Canadian Institutes of Health Research's (CIHR) support to Official Language Minority Communities
Policy/program Issues- 52. Renewal of the mandate of the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)
- 53. Post-Ebola actions: Review of the International Health Regulations and G7 leaders Commitment
- 54. Antimicrobial Resistance
- 55. Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) -- Compensation regime for additional costs of drugs for provinces and territories
- 56. United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem 2016 (UNGASS)
- 57. Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI)
Aboriginal Issues- 58. Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommendations
- 59. Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women
- 60. Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) - Assembly of First Nations joint review
- 61. Statement of principles on a tripartite process to transfer health services to First Nations in Manitoba
- C. Active Litigation
- D. Reports to be Tabled in Parliament
- E. Appointments
Platform Analysis - Ministerial Briefing Volume III
Table of Contents
- A. New Health Accord
- 1. Health Accord Overview
- 2. Home care availability
- 3. Prescription drug access and cost reduction
- 4. Mental health care availability
- 5. Pan-Canadian Collaboration on health innovation
- B. Marijuana
- 6. Legalization, regulation and access restriction
- C. Healthier Kids
- 7. Better food Choices
- 8. National strategy on vaccination and concussions
- 9. Plain packaging of tobacco products
- D. Food Safety
- 10. Enhanced inspections of domestic and imported foods
- E. First Nations
- 11. Nation-to-nation process, fiscal relationship and Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- F. Blood Safety
- 12. Ending blood donation ban on MSM (men who have sex with men)
- G. Reference Documents
- 13. Liberal platform: A New Plan for a Strong Middle Class
- 14. Backgrounder: Investing in health and home care
- 15. Letter to Canada's Premiers
- 16. Letter to the Premier of Quebec
Strategic Advice - Options - Ministerial Briefing Volume IV
Table of Contents
- A. Towards a New Health Accord
- 1. Understanding the stat of Canada's health care system: a diagnostic on performance, gaps and challenges in the system
- 2. Overview of a new health accord: key elements and proposed approach
- 3. Advancing a new health accord
- a.
- b.
- c.
- d.
- 4. Putting the new health accord into action:
- e. Engaging with provinces, territories and First Nations: an overall strategy for engaging with provinces, territories and First Nations to advance a health accord
- f.
- g. Moving forward with a new health accord: a critical path of key milestones in the development of a new health accord.
- B.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
- 11. Advancing Canadian health priorities internationally: leveraging opportunities to engage internationally to advance priorities
Background on Health Portfolio Organizations - Ministerial Briefing Volume V
Table of Contents
- A. List of Key Contacts in the Health Portfolio
- B. Details on each Health Portfolio organization
Health Canada- 1. Health Products and Food Branch
- 2. Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
- 3. Pest Management Regulatory Agency
- 4. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
- 5. Strategic Policy Branch
- 6. Regions and Programs Bureau
- 7. Legal Services
- 8. Chief Financial Officer Branch
- 9. Communications and Public Affairs Branch
- 10. Corporate Services Branch
Public Health Agency of Canada- 11. Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Branch
- 12. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch
- 13. Health Security Infrastructure Branch
- 14. Strategic Policy, Planning, and International Affairs Branch
- 15. Office of International Affairs
- 16. Audit and Evaluation Functions
Canadian Food Inspection Agency- 17. Canadian Food Inspection Agency Branches
Canadian Institutes of Health Research- 18. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Overview
- C. Health Portfolio Financials
- D. List of Acronyms
Background on Government and Portfolio Processes - Ministerial Briefing Volume VI
Page details
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