ARCHIVED - Management Response and Action Plan (MRAP) - Audit of Laboratory Facilities
March 2010
Recommendations | Planned Management Actions | Deliverables | Expected Completion Date | Accountability |
1. It is recommended that SMB - Policy strengthen the governance structure for Health Canada's laboratories and that the Assistant Deputy Minister - Corporate Services Branch update the Real Property Accountability Framework to reflect the new governance structure. | A Director General Laboratory Renewal Steering Committee, reporting to SMB-Science and into Health Canada's formal governance structure, will be created under the Laboratory Infrastructure Renewal Initiative to improve horizontal governance. The Committee will be authorized to make decisions on behalf of ADM's on allocation and reallocation of laboratory space, required laboratory activities and recommendations on the purchase of equipment. It will ensure collaboration in the development of Health Canada's long-term strategic plan for the laboratory facilities. Update the Real Property Accountability Framework to reflect the new senior level Laboratory Renewal Steering Committee for laboratory facilities. In addition, Corporate Services Branch has created an Enterprise Real Property Committee, now integrated into the Internal Services Board to ensure a governance structure is in place to discuss horizontal matters related to laboratory facility management. |
Approval of a Laboratory Renewal Steering Committee (with representation from all Branches) Table long-term strategic plan including implementation timelines to SMB-Science for discussion. Subsequent tabling at SMB-Policy for approval and decision. Update Real Property Framework |
May 2010 March 2011 April 2010 |
2. It is recommended that SMB-Science oversee the development of a long-term strategic plan (based on the Science Plan and Investment Plan) which optimizes the Department's custodial laboratories and will support Corporate Services Branch in the horizontal infrastructure management of those facilities. The long-term strategic plan should be presented to SMB-Policy for approval. | A senior level Laboratory Renewal Steering Committee will be created, under the Laboratory Infrastructure Renewal Initiative, to improve horizontal governance and to ensure collaboration in the development and implementation of Health Canada's long-term strategic plan, based on the Science Plan, which optimizes the Department's custodial laboratories and will support Corporate Services Branch in effectively managing those facilities. Utilize the Corporate Services Branch, Enterprise Real Property Committee, now integrated into the Internal Services Board to ensure a governance structure is in place to discuss horizontal matters related to laboratory management. |
Develop and implement a long-term strategic plan for the laboratories as one of the initiatives under the Health Canada Science Plan. Develop and implement Health Canada laboratories Financial Sustainability Plan. Assessment of impact of laboratories facilities management through a service provider. On-going implementation of the Real Property Management Framework. |
March 2011 March 2011 March 2011 March 2011 |
Corporate Services Branch collaborated with the Science Branches in 2009 to secure new funding for two years under the Canada Economic Action Plan to address challenges due to deferred laboratory facilities maintenance. | Secure Funding, over a 2 year period 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, of $16.3 M Accelerated Infrastructure Program Projects | March 2011 | ADM-CSB,ADM-RAPB | |
Corporate Services Branch working with Healthy Environment and Consumer Safety Branch to optimize the use of funds received to solve deferred maintenance issues at the Radiation Protection Building and the Environmental Health Centre. | Secure Funding, over a 2 year period 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, of $4.6 M for Capital Projects. | March 2011 | ADM-CSB, ADM-HECSB | |
3.It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services Branch in conjunction with the Strategic Policy Branch; Regions and Programs Branch; Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch; and Health Products and Food Branch, approve the updated Real Property Accountability Framework and related Laboratory Facility Policy to support horizontal management of the laboratory infrastructure. | Seek approval of the updated Real Property Accountability Framework and related Laboratory Facilities Management Policy to support horizontal management of the laboratory infrastructure. | Approved and updated Real Property Accountability Framework and related Laboratory Facilities Management Policy | April 2010 | ADM-CSB ADM-SPB, ADM-RAPB,ADM-HPFB, ADM-HECSB |
4. It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services Branch continue to develop appropriate performance measures for laboratory infrastructure management. | Corporate Services Branch will continue to develop an Integrated Real Property Risk and Performance Measurement Framework including performance measures for the laboratory facilities. As well, Corporate Services Branch will consult with the Strategic Policy Branch and Science Branches to ensure linkages between program delivery risk and laboratory property risks. | Real Property Integrated Risk and Performance Measurement Framework. | Draft - March 2010 | ADM-CSB/FSD/RPMD |
5. It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services Branch conduct condition and risk assessment of the laboratories infrastructure to identify impact of deferred maintenance on health and safety of occupants for the laboratories as required to support decision making related to safety and security. | Corporate Services Branch is addressing all Occupational Health Safety Committees' (OHS) recommendations through the Laboratory Maintenance Plan and as issues arise. As well, Safety and Security Management Division, in collaboration with Real Property Management Facilities Division, are ensuring recommendations are being addressed at the management / employer level which is enhancing its review. | Maintenance projects to solve Occupational Health and Safety issues (On-going). | March 2010 (On-going) |
Under the Building Management Plan, Corporate Services Branch has requested third party service provider to conduct a Condition and Risk Assessment on the custodial buildings. In collaboration with responsible managers the Safety and Security Management Division will ensure that a systematic Threat and Risk Assessment of Health Canada's laboratory facilities is conducted every 5 years or on a required basis where changes to risk level occur. |
Building Maintenance Plans including condition and risk assessments for all laboratory facilities. | April 2010 | ADM-CSB/FSD/RPMD |
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