Message from the Minister of Health - National Hospice Palliative Care Week - May 6 - 12, 2018
We all deserve to end our lives in comfort and dignity, surrounded by those we love. This week marks National Hospice Palliative Care Week, a time to shed a light on this sometimes difficult but crucial issue. This year’s theme is “Towards a more compassionate Canada, Eh?” and I encourage you to speak with family and friends about what makes a compassionate community and how we can enhance end-of-life care.
Palliative care is an essential part of our health care system, providing much-needed support to individuals and their families during what is often the most difficult times of their lives. Sadly, roughly 70% of Canadians who could benefit from palliative care lack access to it.
Our government is committed to improving palliative care and making it available to all Canadians. I invite you to participate in our public consultation. Your input will help develop a framework to improve access to palliative care, which will be introduced later this year.
This week, I would like say a special thanks to the dedicated professionals and caring volunteers who provide palliative care, and to the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association and other partners for their work to raise awareness about end-of-life care. Although it is not always easy, understanding and improving palliative care will help all Canadians live out their days on their own terms.
The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health
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