Message from the Minister of Health – Nutrition Month (March 2020)


March is Nutrition Month—a time to celebrate the importance of healthy eating to our overall health and well-being. Health Canada is proud to support this initiative every year, and I’m happy to support this year’s theme, “More than Food,” which focusses on healthy eating habits such as eating mindfully and cooking more often.

This spotlight on healthy eating habits is in keeping with the Canada’s food guide, released in January 2019, which provides Canadians with practical tips and tools to incorporate healthy food choices and healthy eating habits into their everyday lives. The food guide encourages Canadians to cook more often, eat meals with others, and include cultures and food traditions as part of healthy eating. 

Since its launch, the food guide’s website has received more than 4.5 million visits, revealing Canadians’ interest in healthy eating tips and advice. Health Canada continues to promote the food guide through a monthly e-newsletter, a food guide snapshot available in 31 languages, and a student ambassador network that encourages students to share the food guide’s healthy eating recommendations within their university communities.

This Nutrition Month, I encourage everyone to focus on healthy eating habits for their overall good health. Make small changes by signing up for the food guide e-newsletter, visiting the food guide website and following the #NutritionMonth hashtag on social media. I encourage all Canadians to eat well and live well. 

The Honourable Patty Hadju, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health

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