Improving Access to Sexual and Reproductive Services for People Living with Endometriosis


September 26, 2023

The Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Fund was established to support a wide range of evidence-informed and innovative projects that address the pressing needs of people in Canada who are at increased risk for poorer SRH outcomes, such as members of 2SLGBTQI+ communities, Indigenous and racialized people, newcomers to Canada, women, and youth.

Budget 2021 committed $45 million over three years to improve access to a full range of SRH care support, information, and services, with an additional $36 million in Budget 2023, starting in 2024-25.

Today, the Government of Canada is providing more than $1.6 million in new funding to The Endometriosis Network Canada and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada for their projects.

Decreasing the Delay to Diagnosis: Endometriosis Awareness and Education

The Endometriosis Network Canada
Funding: $874,988

This project will support the development of endometriosis patient focused educational resources for people living endometriosis and youth. To improve the care of people who have symptoms of endometriosis, important resources specific to patients and youth will be co-developed with health care providers. The project will also help raise public awareness of endometriosis through a targeted national marketing campaign.

Building Bridges to Equity and Equality: Creating Canadian Capacity in SRH

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
Funding: $799,715

This project will raise awareness on endometriosis care through the development and distribution of educational resources. The project will also support underserved patient populations, including Indigenous, racialized, and 2SLGBTQI+ people in Canada by improving public access to health resources through a mobile-friendly website and other information resource.

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