Ethanol, 2-[[4-[(2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo]phenyl]methylamino]- (Disperse Orange 5)
CAS Registry Number 6232-56-0
What is it?
- Ethanol, 2-[[4-[(2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo]phenyl]methylamino]-, also known as Disperse Orange 5, is an industrial chemical.
How is it used?
- There are no recent reports of use, manufacture or import of Disperse Orange 5 in Canada.
Why did the Government of Canada assess it?
- Prior to assessment, Disperse Orange 5 was identified as a potential concern to the environment based on information regarding possible persistence, accumulation in organisms and potential to cause harm to organisms.
- Prior to assessment, this substance was believed to be potentially in commerce due to stakeholder interest.
How is it released to the environment?
- The Government of Canada has reviewed information that indicates that Disperse Orange 5 is not currently in commerce in Canada in significant quantities.
- As a result, it is unlikely that Disperse Orange 5 is entering the environment as a result of commercial manufacture or use in this country.
What are the results of the assessment?
- The Government of Canada has conducted a science-based evaluation of Disperse Orange 5 called a screening assessment. Because this substance is not in commerce, this assessment was based on past information and a request for the reporting of any potential new information pertaining to this substance.
- The results of the screening assessment indicate that although Disperse Orange 5 may remain in the environment for a long time and is expected to accumulate in and harm organisms, the substance is not a present concern because it is not in commerce.
- The Government of Canada has therefore determined that Disperse Orange 5 is not entering the environment in a quantity or under conditions that constitute a danger to the environment.
What is the Government of Canada doing?
- The Government of Canada will consider implementing a Significant New Activity or SNAc provision for Disperse Orange 5. This would require that any proposed new manufacture, import, or use of this substance in quantities greater than 100 kg per year of Disperse Orange 5 be subject to further assessment before this new activity is allowed.
- The final screening assessment was published on August 22, 2009.
What could Canadians do?
Since Disperse Orange 5 is not presently a concern for the environment or human health, Canadians do not currently need to take any specific actions with respect to this chemical.
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