ARCHIVED - Program - First International Conference for Heads of Pesticide Regulatory Authorities - New Partnerships for a New Millennium
Welcome to the first International Conference for Heads of Pesticide Regulatory Authorities. In light of the critical role that pesticides play in food production and the need for health and environmental protection, global partnerships are essential in meeting our future regulatory challenges. This conference provides an opportunity to discuss common concerns and to seek cooperative solutions to current and emerging issues related to pesticide regulation and management around the world.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Location: Renaissance Room
Open to all Registered Participants
- 19:00
- Welcome Reception
Day 1: Monday, September 12, 2011
Location: Adam Room
Open to all Registered Participants
"Pesticide Management to 2020: Looking Ahead Ten Years"
- 07:30
- Registration
- 08:30
- Welcome and Review of Program
- 09:00
- Keynote Speakers
- 10:45
- Health Break
- 11:15
- Plenary Discussion: Top Issues Facing Pesticide Management to 2020
- 12:30
- Lunch (Sponsored by CropLife Canada)
- 13:45
- Presentations by International Organizations
- 15:00
- Health Break
- 15:30
- Plenary Discussion: Possible Directions/Priorities for Pesticide Management to 2020
- 17:00
- Adjourn - Free Evening
Day 2: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Location: Adam Room
Open to all Registered Participants
"Regional Perspectives: Current and Future Challenges in Pesticide Regulations and Management"
- 08:30
- Country/Region Presentations
- 10:00
- Health Break
- 10:30
- Country/Region Presentations - continued
- 12:30
- Lunch
- 14:00
Path Forward - Potential Areas of Collaboration
- Working Groups on Key Issues
- 17:00
- Adjourn - Free Evening
Day 3: Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Location: Adam Room
Open to all Registered Participants
"Current and Future ChallengesÂ…The Path Forward"
- 09:00
- Working Groups Present Discussion Findings
- 10:45
- Health Break
- 11:15
- Conclusions and Recommendations for the Way Forward
- 11:45
- Closing Remarks and Next Steps
- 12:00
- Adjourn
Special Science Issues Presentations
Location: Adam Room
Open to all
- 13:00
- Integrating Emerging Technologies into Chemical Safety Assessment: The Report of the Expert Panel on Integrated Testing of Pesticides
- 13:30
- Issues in Pollinator Protection
- 14:00
- Pesticides, POPs and PBTs: What differentiates them?
Page details
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