Notice: Prescription Drug List (PDL): Naproxen

March 26, 2015
Our reference number: 15-103381-636

The purpose of this Notice of Amendment is to notify that Health Canada has revised the listing for naproxen on the Prescription Drug List (PDL). Only the Human part of the PDL was revised; the listing for Veterinary use will remain unchanged. Health Canada has conducted a scientific review of naproxen against a set of established and publicly available criteria outlined in section C.01.040.3 of the Food and Drug Regulations. The wording, which remains unchanged from what was proposed in the September 25, 2014 Notice of Intent to amend, is:

Drugs containing any of the following: Naproxen or its salts

Including (but not limited to): Naproxen sodium

Qualifier: except when sold for oral use with a daily dose equivalent to 400 milligrams of naproxen base

Effective Date: date of this Notice

Should you have any questions on this update to the Prescription Drug List, please contact:

Prescription Drug Status Committee
Health Canada
Holland Cross, Tower B, 2nd Floor
1600 Scott Street
Address Locator 3102C3
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9

Email: drug_prescription_status-statut_d'
Phone: 613-957-1058
Fax: 613-941-5035

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