Summary of Expertise, Experience and Affiliations and Interests for the Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Devices Used in Cardiovascular Systems (SAC-MDUCS)
Contact: Bureau of Policy, Science and International Programs Enquiries
Related Information: Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Devices used in Cardiovascular System - Membership List and Biographies
Purpose of Summary
The following summarizes the information about expertise or experience, affiliations and interests relevant to the Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Devices Used in the Cardiovascular System (SAC-MDUCS) mandate declared by committee members. Health Canada considered these declarations as part of the selection process. The Health Products and Food Branch has made this summary available as part of its commitment to be transparent about the membership of its advisory bodies.
Assessment of affiliations and interests prior to each meeting
Prior to each committee meeting, Health Canada assesses members' affiliations and interests, including direct financial interests, as they may apply to agenda items for discussion. Depending on the nature of the member's affiliations or interests, the Chair of the committee in consultation with the members, may limit the participation of a member in the meeting or ask him/her to make a verbal statement of affiliations and interests at the beginning of the meeting. Members' affiliations and interests are reviewed on an annual basis and updated as required based on changes in the status of their affiliations and interests.
In accordance with the Health Products and Food Branch Review of Regulated Products: Policy on Public Input and Guidance on Advisory Bodies, a person with a direct financial interest in the outcome of a review of a regulated product may be a member of an advisory body whose broader mandate encompasses matters of policy, management, or program development. However, such a member would not be asked to participate in any discussion, formulation of advice, or recommendations to Health Canada relating to that review.
Indicated [Sector/Perspective] and [Expertise/Experience]
- Health professional
- Research
- Academia
- Interventional radiology
- Cardiology
- Cardiovascular surgery
- Interventional cardiology
- Clinical perfusion
- Biomedical engineering
- Cardiac electrophysiology
- Neurovascular surgery
1. Direct financial interests
- Current employment, investments in companies, partnerships, equity, royalties, joint ventures, trusts, real property, stocks, shares or bonds, with the regulated industry
2. Indirect financial interests
- Within the past five years, payment from regulated industry for work done or being done, including past employment, contracts or consulting; or financial support including research support, personal education grants, contributions, fellowships, sponsorships, and honorariaFootnote 1.
- Within the past five years, materials, discounted products, gifts, or other benefits, or attendance at meetings where all or part of the travel and accommodation costs were provided by the regulated industryFootnote 2.
- Within the last three years, grants or other funding from the regulated industry to any of the organizations where you are currently employed or participate in internal decision makingFootnote 3.
3. Intellectual interests
- Within the last five years, any formal advice or opinion to industry, a government organization or a non-government organization on a matter of relevance to the SAC-MDUCS.
- Within the last five years, any published or publicly stated point of view on issues of relevance to the SAC-MDUCS mandate.
- Current professional or volunteer affiliations such as membership of professional societies, lobbying, public interest or advocacy groups, of relevance to the SAC-MDUCS.
4. Other
- Any other affiliations and interests or potential circumstances that might give a well-informed member of the public reasonable grounds for concern regarding the integrity and objectivity of your participation.
Name and Indicated Sector/Perspective and Expertise Experience | Summary of Responses | ||||||||
Core Membres | |||||||||
John Ducas, MD, FRCPC (Chair) | Health Professional/Academia; Cardiology | 1a) No | 2a) No | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) No | 3b) No | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: None. | |||||||||
Renzo Cecere, MD | Health Professional/Academia; Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery | 1a) No | 2a) No | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) No | 3b) No | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: None. | |||||||||
Eric Cohen, MD, FRCPC | Health Professional/Academia; General and Interventional Cardiology | 1a) No | 2a) Yes | 2b) Yes | 2c) Yes | 3a) Yes | 3b) Yes | 3c) Yes | 4a) No |
Comments: Consultant for numerous medical technology companies. Travel and expenses for participation in research meetings reimbursed by medical companies. Sunnybrook Health Science Centre receives grants from medical device companies to facilitate research. As a member of various committees of the Cardiac Care Network (Ontario) has contributed to reports that have provided recommendations to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario regarding primary PCI and trans-catheter aortic valve implantation. Has provided public statements through interviews with various media outlets including newspapers, internet and broadcasting. Member of Canadian Cardiovascular Society and member and Past President of Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiology. | |||||||||
Christopher Feindel, MD, FRCSC, FACS, MSc | Academia/Research; Cardiac Surgery | 1a) No | 2a) No | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) No | 3b) No | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: None. | |||||||||
Marino Labinaz, MD, FRCPC, FACC | Academia; Interventional Cardiology | 1a) No | 2a) Yes | 2b) Yes | 2c) Yes | 3a) Yes | 3b) No | 3c) Yes | 4a) No |
Comments: Has received speaking and proctoring honoraria; University of Ottawa Heart Institute receives donations from regulated industry; Receives travel reimbursement from medical technology companies. Heart Institute receives research grants from medical technology companies to facilitate research. Advisory Board member for Medical Devices Advisory Board of Health Canada. Member of: American College of Cardiology. | |||||||||
Alan Menkis, MD, FRCSC | Health Professional/Academia; Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery | 1a) No | 2a) No | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) No | 3b) No | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: None. | |||||||||
Joaquim MirĂ³, MD, FRCPC | Health Professional/Academia; Paediatric-Cardiologist | 1a) No | 2a) Yes | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) No | 3b) No | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: Honorarium for proctoring received from a medical technology company. | |||||||||
L. Brent Mitchell, MD, FRCPC, FACC | Health Professional/Academia; Cardiac Electrophysiology | 1a) No | 2a) Yes | 2b) No | 2c) Yes | 3a) Yes | 3b) No | 3c) Yes | 4a) No |
Comments: Contracted for an adverse event committee by a medical technology company. The Foothills Hospital receives funding to support the resident training salaries. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Devices Used in the Cardiovascular System. Past President of the Canadian Heart Rhythm Society. | |||||||||
Barry Rubin, MD, PhD, FRCSC | Health Professional/Research; Vascular Surgery | 1a) No | 2a) No | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) Yes | 3b) Yes | 3c) No | 4a) Yes |
Comments: Presented to the Senate Subcommittee on social affairs, science and technology regarding the use of vein dilation therapy for multiple sclerosis. Was reimbursed for travel expenses and lodging, but was not otherwise paid for this work. Published Brant-Zawadzki MN, Bandari DS, Puangco JJ, Rubin BB. The "liberation procedure" for multiple sclerosis: sacrificing science at the altar of consumer demand. J Am Coll Radiol. 2012 May; 9(5):305-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2012.01.003.PubMed PMID: 22554624. Is the Chair of the Expert Panel on Appropriate Utilization of Diagnostic & Imaging Studies, Ontario. All materials related to this Expert Panel may be found at: | |||||||||
John G. Webb, MD | Health Professional/Academia; Cardiology | 1a) No | 2a) Yes | 2b) Yes | 2c) Yes | 3a) No | 3b)Yes | 3c) Yes | 4a) No |
Comments: Consultant for numerous medical technology companies. Travel and expenses for participation in multicentre research meetings reimbursed by medical companies. Principal investigator for medical device studies. St. Paul's Hospital receives grants from medical device companies to facilitate this research. Has provided public statements through interviews with various media outlets including newspapers, internet and broadcasting. Member Canadian Cardiovascular Society TAVI Wait List committee, TAVI Quality Outcomes committee, Structural Training committee. Member of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, American College of Cardiology, Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions, American Heart Association. | |||||||||
Raymond Yee, MD, FRCPC | Academia; Cardiology | 1a) No | 2a) Yes | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) No | 3b)No | 3c) Yes | 4a) No |
Comments: Consultant / advisor for a medical technology company. Receives honoraria fees twice a year and has received a research grant from a medical technology company. Also a member of the Canadian Hearth Rhythm Society and Canadian Cardiovascular Society. | |||||||||
Ad hoc members | |||||||||
Bob Kiaii, BSc, MD, FRCSC | Health professional/Academia; Cardiovascular surgery | 1a) No | 2a) Yes | 2b) Yes | 2c) No | 3a) Yes | 3b) Yes | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: Received a research grant from medical technology companies in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Receives honoraria for consulting, providing proctorship and speaking 2012-present from various institutions and companies. Attended European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery meeting, all travel and accommodation cost provided by a medical technology company. Member of Advisory Board for a medical technology company for Percutaneous Transcatheter Valve Program at the Society of Thoracic Surgery Annual meeting. Has given an oral presentation at the EURO PCR. | |||||||||
Stephen Lownie, MD, FRCSC, FAANS | professional/Academia; Neurovascular surgery/Neurointerventionalist | 1a) No | 2a) No | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) Yes | 3b) No | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: From 2013 to 2017 have served as Co-Chair of the Ontario Ministry of Health's Task Force on the Coil Embolization of Intracranial Aneurysms. Also served as a member of the Provincial Neurosurgery Advisory Committee for the Province of Ontario. | |||||||||
Christopher Simpson, MD, FRCPC, FACC | Health professional/Academia; Cardiology | 1a) No | 2a) No | 2b) No | 2c) No | 3a) No | 3b) No | 3c) No | 4a) No |
Comments: None. |
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