Safe staffing practices: Nursing retention toolkit

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Goal statement

Support physically safe and psychologically brave workplaces by implementing staffing practices (e.g., nurse-patient ratios) that reflect factors like patient acuity, nurse experience, and work-life balance.

Initiative – Clinical supports: Establish processes to identify and ensure the accessibility of appropriate supports (i.e., mentors, preceptors, educators, leaders) for nurses.

Intended outcome


This initiative focuses on creating clinical supports for nurses to enable safe staffing practices.

Examples of supports include:

Planning considerations include:

Target nursing population

Stakeholder involvement and role of nurses

Reference resources and examples (See appendix for links)

Initiative – Safe staffing framework and tools: Develop a comprehensive framework to help understand staffing needs and their impact on immediate and long-term outputs, and identify supporting tools for the implementation of the framework.

Intended outcome


This initiative focuses on the development of a safe staffing framework that may be used and adjusted by individual departments and units depending on their local context. Safe staffing tools should also be identified, which can help determine patient needs and required workloads to ensure that enough nurses are available to provide care. The purpose of the framework is to serve as a guiding principle.

Planning considerations include:

Target nursing population

All point-of-care nurses (Student, New Grad, Mid-Career, Late-Career, etc.), managers and leaders in nursing environments.

Stakeholder involvement and role of nurses

Reference resources and examples (See appendix for links)

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