Changes to the registration of imidacloprid pesticides (agricultural uses)


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Organization: Health Canada

Date published: November 2023

ISBN: 978-0-660-67666-1

All pesticides used in Canada must be registered under the Pest Control Products Act. Pesticides are re-evaluated to ensure that they continue to meet health and environmental requirements. Re-evaluation may result in the revocation of a product or product uses. Health Canada may also request changes to a product's label, including mitigation measures, use sites and application methods.

Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide used on several crops, for seed treatments, for the treatment of structures and on pets against fleas and ticks. Highlights of the re-evaluation decisions of the active ingredient imidacloprid for agricultural uses, published on April 11, 2019, and on May 19, 2021, are summarized below.

The changes concerning seed treatments are presented in the factsheet "Changes to the registration of imidacloprid pesticides (seed treatments)".

Label changes for imidacloprid pesticides

Cancelled uses

As of April 11, 2021

Stop soil application for the following crops:

Stop foliar application on the following crops:

As of May 19, 2023

Stop foliar application on lowbush blueberries.

Other risk reduction measures

As of April 11, 2021

As of May 19, 2023

Users must follow the instructions on the updated labels.

Using a pesticide contrary with the label directions is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act.

Read the label

All pesticides registered in Canada have a Health Canada-approved label with a registration number. Read the pesticide label carefully, as it contains specific information on how to use it.

To find the most up-to-date label, use our online label search tool, or search for "Health Canada pesticide labels" using your favourite search engine.

For more information

Re-evaluation decision RVD2021-05, Imidacloprid and its associated end-use products

Re-evaluation decision RVD2019-06, Imidacloprid and its associated end-use products: Pollinator re-evaluation

The Health Canada-approved label is the official document for enforcement purposes. In the event of any discrepancy with the contents of this factsheet, the information on the label shall prevail.

Factsheet: Changes to the registration of imidacloprid pesticides (seed treatments)

Health Canada's Pesticide Compliance Program (PCP) is responsible for the enforcement of the Pest Control Products Act.

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