Production of cannabis for your own medical purposes
Application for production of cannabis for your own medical purposes, facts about registration and safety considerations.
Services and information
Registering to produce cannabis for your medical purposes
Guidelines for registering to produce a limited amount of cannabis for yourself.
Calculator for producing cannabis for medical purposes
How much cannabis you can grow and store based on the regulations and your medical document.
For people registered or designated to produce cannabis
Requirements for possessing, storing and producing cannabis products.
Cannabis starting materials and interim supply
Information on getting an interim supply of cannabis and starting materials once you have registered.
Safety and security
Recommended safety and security measures for production, storage and disposal.
Testing of cannabis produced by individuals
About getting your cannabis tested by a licensed dealer. How to send your product for testing.
Guidance on personal production of cannabis for medical purposes
Information on factors that may lead to refusing or revoking registration to grow cannabis for medical purposes.
Sample medical document
An example of the document needed from your health care practitioner to purchase from licensed producers.
Page details
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