2020-2021 Fees Report
Table of Contents
Minister’s message

On behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, I am pleased to present our report on fees for 2020–21.
The Service Fees Act provides a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through better reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight.
Similar to last year, a detailed listing of individual fees under the department’s authority, along with anticipated adjustments, was included with the reporting requirements.
This year’s report will continue to provide more detail on each fee, such as the type and rate of adjustment, the service standard and the performance result. This information provides additional context on each fee, in the spirit of open and transparent fee management.
It is important to note that air travel and border restrictions measures implemented to control the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of Canadians have led to a decrease in revenue across all IRCC business lines and a massive disruption to processing capacity and activity. Compared to 2019-2020, IRCC experienced a significant reduction in revenues.
I welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act’s reporting regime embodies.
The Honourable Sean S. A. Fraser, PC., M.P.
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
About this report
This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act, including the Low-Materiality Fees Regulations and subsection 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada had the authority to set in 2020–21.Footnote 1
Government of Canada departments may set fees for services, licences, permits, products, the use of facilities, for other authorizations of rights or privileges, or to recover, in whole or in part, costs incurred in relation to a regulatory scheme.
For reporting purposes, fees must be categorized under the following three fee-setting mechanisms:
- Act, regulation or fees notice
- An act of Parliament delegates the fee-setting authority to a department, minister or Governor in Council.
- Contract
- Ministers have the authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament.
- Market rate or auction
- The authority to set these fees is pursuant to an act of Parliament or regulation, and the minister, department or Governor in Council has no control over the fee amount.
This report contains information about all fees that are under Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s authority.
The information covers fees subject to the Service Fees Act and exempted from the Service Fees Act.
For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee.
Although the fees that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada charges under the Access to Information Act were subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s access to information fees for 2020–21 can be found in our access to information report, which is posted on our Web page: Access to Information Act, Privacy Act, Annual Report 2020-2021.
This report does not include remissions issued under the authority of the Service Fees Act, since this requirement took effect on April 1, 2021. Remissions issued under the Service Fees Act will be reported for the first time, as applicable, in the 2021–22 Fees Report, which will be published in 2022–23.
The Service Fees Act requires departments to remit a fee, in part or in full, to a fee payer when a service standard is deemed not met. Under the Service Fees Act and the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, departments had to develop policies and procedures for determining:
- whether a service standard has been met
- how much of a fee will be remitted to a fee payer if a service standard is deemed not met.
The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada remission policy and procedures were made available to the public as of April 1, 2021, and can be found on the following web page: Departmental Remission Policy Pursuant to the Service Fees Act.
The “Overall totals for 2020-21, by fee-setting mechanism” presents the total remissions by fee setting mechanism. The “Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice” provides further details related to remissions that were issued under Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada’s enabling legislation and issued under the authority of the Financial Administration Act in 2020–21.
Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism
The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada had the authority to set in 2020–21, by fee-setting mechanism.
Fee-setting mechanism | Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
Fees set by contract | 0 | 0 | Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract. |
Fees set by either market rate or auction | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice | 527,688,691 | 2,631,057,810 | 24,050 |
Total | 527,688,691 | 2,631,057,810 | 24,050 |
Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
The following section presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada had the authority to set in 2020–21 that are set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
A fee grouping is a set of fees relating to a single business line, directorate or program that a department had the authority to set for those activities.
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
31,672,000 | 154,602,840 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
50,844,997 | 360,006,664 | 24,050 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
134,520,589 | 1,436,027,624 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
258,377,432 | 598,260,315 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
52,273,673 | 82,160,367 | 0 |
Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
This section provides detailed information on each fee that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada had the authority to set in 2020–21 and that was set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
Fee grouping: Citizenship Program Fees
Fee: Citizenship Grant Applicant - Minors applying on their own behalf (less than 18 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 1
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 12 months
Performance result: 10% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 100
Fee: Citizenship Grant Applicant - Adult applications (at least 18 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 1.1
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 12 months
Performance result: 10% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 530
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 530
Fee: Citizenship Grant Applicant - Adult adoptions (at least 18 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 1.2
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 530
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 530
Fee: Citizenship Grant Applicant - Minor adoptions (less than 18 years of age) and minors (less than 18 years of age) applying with a parent
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 2
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Minor adoption has no established service standard; minors applying with a parent process applications within 12 months
Performance result: Exempt; 10% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 100
Fee: Renunciation of Citizenship
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 3
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 100
Fee: Resumption of Citizenship - Minor
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 4
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 100
Fee: Resumption of Citizenship - Adult
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 5
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 530
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 10,675
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 530
Fee: Proof of Citizenship
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 6
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 75
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 1,471,800
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 75
Fee: Search of Citizenship Records
Fee-setting authority
- Citizenship Act s.27(1)(b)
- Citizenship Regulations Schedule item 7
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1993
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 75
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 56,175
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 75
Fee: Right of Citizenship
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19.1
- Citizenship Regulations s.32
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1995
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 1995
Service standard: Issue the Right of Citizenship within 4 months (between the date we grant citizenship and the date we first send the invitation to the citizenship ceremony)
Performance result: 27% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 4,467,400
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: March 31, 2023
2022–23 fee amount ($): 107.57Footnote 2
Fee grouping: Passport Program Fees
Fee: Passport Applicant Domestic - 5-year Adult passport (at least 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 1(a)(ii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process passport applications in person at a Passport Canada office within 10 business days; process passport applications by mail within 20 business days; process applications in person at a Receiving Agent within 20 business days.
Performance result: 81% of applications processed within standard; 78% of applications processed within standard; 19% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 95
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 2,847,815
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 106Footnote 3
Fee: Passport Applicant Domestic - 10-year Adult passport (at least 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 1(a)(i)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process passport applications in person at a Passport Canada office within 10 business days; process passport applications by mail within 20 business days; process applications in person at a Receiving Agent within 20 business days.
Performance result: 81% of applications processed within standard; 78% of applications processed within standard; 19% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 135
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 29,266,862
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 151Footnote 4
Fee: Passport Applicant Domestic - Child passport (less than 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 2(a)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process passport applications in person at a Passport Canada office within 10 business days; process passport applications by mail within 20 business days; process applications in person at a Receiving Agent within 20 business days
Performance result: 81% of applications processed within standard; 78% of applications processed within standard; 19% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 57
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 8,244,366
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 64Footnote 5
Fee: Passport Applicant Abroad - 5-year Adult passport (at least 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 1(b)(ii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications within 20 business days
Performance result: 96% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 165
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 439,560
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 239Footnote 6
Fee: Passport Applicant Abroad - 10-year Adult passport (at least 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 1(b)(i)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications within 20 business days
Performance result: 96% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 235
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 4,401,080
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 341Footnote 7
Fee: Passport Applicant Abroad - Child passport (less than 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 2(b)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications within 20 business days
Performance result: 96% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 656,000
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 144Footnote 8
Fee: Passport Applicant Abroad - Temporary passport in conjunction with a request to issue a passport
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 10
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications within 20 business days.
Performance result: 98% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 110
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 277,640
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 110
Fee: Passport Supplementary Services - Addition of a special stamp in a passport or other travel document
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 11
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2012
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Same as processing time of passport or travel document if request is made with travel document application; or 10 business days if request is made.
Performance result: The department did not have a mechanism for tracking the overall performance result
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 45
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 585
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 45
Fee: Passport Supplementary Services - Retention of a valid passport (at Government of Canada offices abroad during processing of the application for a replacement passport)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations s. 2(4)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 45
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 58,950
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 45
Fee: Passport Supplementary Services - Addition of an observation in a passport or other travel document
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 12
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 45
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 29,700
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 45
Fee: Passport Supplementary Services - Certifying true copies, up to three, of part of a passport or another travel document
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 13
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 10 business days
Performance result: 89% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 45
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 475,605
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 45
Fee: Passport Supplementary Services - Replacement of a lost or stolen passport or other travel document
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 14
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 45
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 258,840
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 45
Fee: Passport Supplementary Services - Transfer of an application file for the issuance of a passport between the offices of government bodies
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 15
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 3 business days
Performance result: 88% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 45
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 164,835
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 45
Fee: Travel document - Certificate of Identity - Adult (at least 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 3
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications within 20 business days
Performance result: 15% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 235
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 67,114
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 251Footnote 9
Fee: Travel document - Certificate of Identity - Child (less than 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 4
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 20 business days
Performance result: 15% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality ($51–$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 141
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 3,254
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 151Footnote 10
Fee: Travel document - Refugee Travel Document - Adult (at least 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 5
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications within 20 business days
Performance result: 15% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 95
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 1,008,935
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 106Footnote 11
Fee: Travel document - Refugee Travel Document - Child (less than 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 6
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 20 business days
Performance result: 15% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality ($51–$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 57
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 75,721
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 64Footnote 12
Fee: Passport Domestic Expedited Services (Optional) - Urgent pick-up - processing time 24 hours
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 7(a)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications by the end of the next business day.
Performance result: 99% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material ($51-$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 110
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 683,465
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 110
Fee: Passport Domestic Expedited Services (Optional) - Express pick-up - 2 to 9 business days
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 7(b)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 2 to 9 business days
Performance result: 99% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 50
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 1,511,035
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 50
Fee: Passport Domestic Expedited Services (Optional) - Standard pick-up - 10 business days
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 7(c)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 10 business days
Performance result: 98% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 20
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 269,800
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 20
Fee: Passport Domestic Expedited Services (Optional) - Same Day out of hours
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 8
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Process applications within the same day
Performance result: 96% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 335
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 57,285
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 335
Fee: Travel document - Emergency travel document - Adult (at least 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 9(a)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications by the end of the next business day.
Performance result: 98% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 50
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 40,700
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 50
Fee: Travel document - Emergency travel document - Child (less than 16 years of age)
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations Schedule item 9(b)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1992
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications by the end of the next business day.
Performance result: 98% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 30
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 5,850
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 30
Fee grouping: Permanent Residence Program Fees
Fee: Right of Permanent Residence Fee
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 1995
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 500
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 36,139,122
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 515
Fee: Family Class - Sponsorship
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.304(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications for Overseas - spouses, partners and dependent children within 12 months.
Performance result: 37% of applications processed within standard
Fee: Family Class – Adult principal applicant Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 75
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 3,596,765
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 75Footnote 13
Fee: Family Class – Adult principal applicant
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(a)(i), s.301(1)(a)(i)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 12 months.
Performance result: 37% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 475
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 16,815,983
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 490
Fee: Family Class – Minor principal applicant
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(a)(ii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 12 months.
Performance result: 37% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 75
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 292,860
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 75Footnote 14
Fee: Family Class – Spouse or common-law partner
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(a)(iii), s.301(1)(a)(ii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 12 months.
Performance result: 37% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 550
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 418,784
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 570
Fee: Family Class – Dependent child
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(a)(iv), s.301(1)(a)(iii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 12 months.
Performance result: 37% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 150
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 647,453
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 155
Fee: Business class – Principal applicant
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(b)(i)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 1,575
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 1,625
Fee: Business class – Spouse or common-law partner
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(b)(ii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 825
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 850
Fee: Business class – Dependent child
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(b)(iii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 225
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 478,760
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 230
Fee: Economic class – Principal applicant
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(c)(i)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 6 months (doesn’t include the time it takes the province to process) via Express Entry (electronic application); process paper applications within 11 months (doesn’t include the time it takes the province to process).
Performance result: Via Express Entry: Federal Skilled Workers-16%; Canadian Experience Class-38%; Skilled Trades-5%; Provincial Nominees-41% Paper Applications: Provincial-8%; Quebec Skilled Workers-0% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 825
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 850
Fee: Economic class – Spouse or common-law partner
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(c)(ii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 6 months (doesn’t include the time it takes the province to process) via Express Entry (electronic application); process paper applications within 11 months (doesn’t include the time it takes the province to process).
Performance result: Via Express Entry: Federal Skilled Workers-16%; Canadian Experience Class-38%; Skilled Trades-5%; Provincial Nominees-41% Paper Applications: Provincial-8%; Quebec Skilled Workers-0% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 825
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 850
Fee: Economic class – Dependent child
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.295(1)(c)(iii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 6 months (doesn’t include the time it takes the province to process) via Express Entry (electronic application); process paper applications within 11 months (doesn’t include the time it takes the province to process).
Performance result: Via Express Entry: Federal Skilled Workers-16%; Canadian Experience Class-38%; Skilled Trades-5%; Provincial Nominees-41% Paper Applications: Provincial-8%; Quebec Skilled Workers-0% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 225
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 1,137,420
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 230
Fee: Protected Persons class – Principal applicant
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.301(1)(b)(i)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 550
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 570
Fee: Protected Persons class – Spouse or common-law partner
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.301(1)(b)(ii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 550
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 570
Fee: Protected Persons class – Dependent child
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.301(1)(b)(iii)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 150
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 1,913,615
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 155
Fee: Permit Holders Class - applicant
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 325
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 6,500
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 335
Fee: Humanitarian and Compassionate class – Principal applicant
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.307(a)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 550
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 570
Fee: Humanitarian and Compassionate class – Spouse or common-law partner
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.307(b)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 550
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 570
Fee: Humanitarian and Compassionate class– Dependent child
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.307(c)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2020
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 150
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 237,236
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: April 30, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 155
Fee: Renewal or replacement of Permanent Resident Card (PRC)
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.308(2)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2002
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 50
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 8,320,320
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 50
Fee: Permanent Resident Travel Document (permanent residents outside of Canada who do not have a PRC)
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2002
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 50
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 345,335
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 50
Fee grouping: Temporary Residence Program Fees
Fee: International Experience Canada Participation Fee
Fee-setting authority
- Financial Administration Act s.19(1)
- Order Prescribing the Fee to be Paid by Foreign Nationals to Participate in an International Youth Exchange Program in Canada s.2
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2000
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2007
Service standard: Process applications within 8 weeks (56 days or less)
Performance result: 24% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 156
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 0
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: December 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 161.35Footnote 15
Fee: Electronic Travel Authorizations (eTA)
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.294.1(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2016
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2017
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Render automated approvals within 5 minutes for most applicants; send a correspondence with next steps within 72 hours to applicants who don’t receive a decision within 5 minutes.
Performance result: 100% of applications processed within standard; 78% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 7
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 1,518,846
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 7
Fee: Temporary Resident visa
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.296(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2019
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process new visitor visa applications submitted outside Canada within 2 weeks; process applications for parent and grandparent Super Visa submitted outside Canada within 16 weeks.
Performance result: 27% of applications processed within standard; 41% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 33,701,797
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 100
Fee: Temporary Resident visa - maximum fee for family
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.296(3)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2019
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications submitted outside Canada within 2 weeks
Performance result: 27% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 500
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 127,000
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 500
Fee: Temporary Resident Permit
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.298(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2010
Service standard: The fee did not have an established service standard.Footnote 16
Performance result: The fee did not have an established service standard.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 200
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 169,405
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: December 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 215.14Footnote 17
Fee: Work Permit
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.299(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2019
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications submitted outside Canada(all programs excluding International Experience Canada) within 2 months; process work permit applications submitted in Canada within 4 months.
Performance result: 74% of applications processed within 2 month standard; 87% of applications processed within 4 month standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 155
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 78,824,003
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 155
Fee: Work Permit - maximum fee for group of three or more performing artists and their staff
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.299(3)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2019
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 2 months
Performance result: 74% of applications processed within 2 month standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 465
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 4,560
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 465
Fee: Study Permit
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.300(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2015
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications submitted outside Canada within 2 months; process (new permit and extension) applications submitted in Canada applications within 4 months.
Performance result: 59% of applications processed within standard; 91% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 150
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 70,873,415
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 150
Fee: Extension of Authorization to stay in Canada as a visitor (temporary resident)
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.305(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2014
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 100
Fee: Restoration of Temporary Resident Status
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.306(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2002
Service standard: The fee did not have an established service standard.Footnote 18
Performance result: The fee did not have an established service standard.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 200
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 10,447,540
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: December 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 215.14Footnote 19
Fee: Open Work Permit Holder
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89.1(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.303.2(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2015
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2017
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 33,553,235
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 100
Fee: Employer Compliance
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89.2(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.303.1(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2015
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2019
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 230
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 230
Fee: Employer Compliance - Maximum Fee
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89.2(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.303.1(7)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2015
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2019
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 690
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): The department was not able to capture the revenue at the fee level; however, it was able to track revenue at the fee-grouping level.
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 690
Fee grouping: Other Service Fees
Fee: Determination of Rehabilitation - Serious Criminality
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.309(a)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2002
Service standard: The fee did not have an established service standard.Footnote 20
Performance result: The fee did not have an established service standard.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 1,000
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 278,400
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: December 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 1,075.72Footnote 21
Fee: Determination of Rehabilitation - Criminality
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.309(b)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2002
Service standard: The fee did not have an established service standard.Footnote 22
Performance result: The fee did not have an established service standard.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 200
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 333,800
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: December 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 215.14Footnote 23
Fee: Authorization to Return to Canada
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2002
Service standard: The fee did not have an established service standard.Footnote 24
Performance result: The fee did not have an established service standard.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (>$151)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 400
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 192,800
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: December 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 430.29Footnote 25
Fee: Certification and Replacement of an Immigration document / Verification of Status
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.311(1) / 311(2)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2002
Service standard: The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Process applications within 6 months if the applicants are eligible.
Performance result: 87% of applications processed within standard
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Low-materiality (<$51)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 30
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 298,710
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 30
Fee: Immigration Statistical Data database access
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.314(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2002
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2013
Service standard: The fee did not have an established service standard.
Performance result: The fee did not have an established service standard.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Material (formula)
2020–21 fee amount ($): 100 for the first 10 minutes then 30 per additional minute
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 6,500
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: December 1, 2022
2022–23 fee amount ($): 107.57 for the first 10 minutes then 32.27 per additional minuteFootnote 26
Fee: Biometric
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.315.1(1)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2013
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 85
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 40,454,628
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 85
Fee: Biometric - maximum fee for family
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.315.1(3)(a)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2013
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 170
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 10,704,500
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 170
Fee: Biometric - maximum fee for a group of three or more performing artists and their staff
Fee-setting authority
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.89(1)
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations s.315.1(3)(b)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced: 2013
Last year fee-setting authority was amended: 2018
Service standard: Exempt
Performance result: Exempt
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations: Not subject to Service Fees Act
2020–21 fee amount ($): 255
2020–21 total fee revenue ($): 4,335
Fee adjustment date in 2022–23: Not applicable
2022–23 fee amount ($): 255
Page details
- Date modified: