Operational Bulletin 276 (Expired) - February 22, 2011

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

Updated Medical Surveillance Handout

This Operational Bulletin has expired.


The Tuberculosis Handout for applicants requiring medical surveillance has been updated. It now allows clear identification of clients diagnosed with complex non-infectious tuberculosis requiring urgent referral to the public health authorities and provides current phone numbers for all provincial/territorial public health authorities.


The Medical Surveillance Handout for Tuberculosis for applicants requiring medical surveillance has been updated.


Applicants who have an immigration medical examination may be found to have a condition of public health significance and be required to undergo medical surveillance. Currently there are two medical conditions that require medical surveillance by the public health authorities (PHA) in Canada: inactive pulmonary tuberculosis and adequately treated syphilis. Clients diagnosed with inactive pulmonary tuberculosis must report to the PHA within 30 days of their arrival to Canada, while clients diagnosed with urgent complex non-infectious tuberculosis must report to the PHA within 7 days of their arrival.

If it is determined that an overseas applicant requires medical surveillance, the visa officer (or port of entry (POE) officer) must complete a Medical Surveillance Undertaking form (IMM 0535) and issue the Medical Surveillance Handout for the appropriate medical condition (tuberculosis or syphilis). Both documents are given to the applicant.

The Medical Surveillance Handout for Inactive Tuberculosis or other Urgent Complex Non-Infectious Tuberculosis informs clients that they must report for medical surveillance after their arrival in Canada, provides phone numbers for the Canadian provincial/territorial PHA, and gives a brief explanation about tuberculosis.

Current Operational Issue

The Medical Surveillance Handout for Inactive Tuberculosis or other Urgent Complex Non-Infectious Tuberculosis has been updated and now:

  • Allows clear identification of clients diagnosed with complex non-infectious tuberculosis requiring urgent referral to the PHA;
  • Provides current phone numbers for all provincial/territorial PHA; and
  • Is written in plain language to be easier to understand for clients whose first language is neither French nor English.

Procedure with the New Medical Surveillance Handout

As before, visa officers / POE officers must issue the appropriate Medical Surveillance Handout to applicants having been identified as requiring medical surveillance.

As well, prior to giving the Medical Surveillance Handout for Inactive Tuberculosis or other Urgent Complex Non-Infectious Tuberculosis to clients, the officer must now:

  • Ensure that they have the new handout (with the updated phone numbers of the PHA); and
  • Check the appropriate box on the handout to differentiate between regular cases of inactive tuberculosis and cases of urgent complex non-infectious tuberculosis.

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