Temporary Foreign Worker Program and International Mobility Program: Persons who may apply from within Canada
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
The following persons may apply from within Canada [R199]:
- holders of work or study permits and their family members;
- persons currently working in Canada under the authority of R186, not requiring a work permit, and who are applying for secondary employment in Canada as long as they are not business visitors;
- holders of temporary resident permits valid for a minimum of six months and their family members;
- refugee claimants and persons subject to an unenforceable removal order;
- in-Canada permanent resident applicants and their family members who are members of the following classes, determined eligible for permanent resident status: live-in caregiver, spouse or common-law partner, protected persons, persons filing an application on humanitarian and compassionate grounds;
- persons whose work permits were authorized by a mission abroad, where the permit was not issued at a port of entry;
- Mexican citizens who have been admitted to Canada as temporary residents may apply for a work permit under any North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) category. U.S. citizens admitted as temporary residents may apply in Canada under the professional or intra-company transferee NAFTA categories only. These provisions are in accordance with reciprocal arrangements;
- foreign nationals who have the written permission of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to work at a foreign mission (embassy, consulate or high commission) in Canada.
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