Recent Immigrants in Metropolitan Areas: Montreal—A Comparative Profile Based on the 2001 Census
List of Figures
- Figure A-1: Immigrants as a percentage of the population, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, Province of Quebec, and Canada, 1986, 1996 and 2001
- Figure A-2: Immigrants residing in Montreal Census Metropolitan Area as a percentage of Canada’s and the province of Quebec’s immigrant population, by period of immigration, 2001
- Figure B-1: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born, by age, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001 (percentage distribution)
- Figure C-1: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—percentage living with relatives in an extended family, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001
- Figure C-2: Recent immigrant and Canadian-born families—never-married children living at home, by age of older spouse or lone parent, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001 (percentage)
- Figure C-3: Recent immigrant families—family structure showing immigrant status of spouses, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001 (percentage distribution)
- Figure D-1: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—15 to 64 years of age—labour force participation rates, by age and gender, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001
- Figure D-2: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—15 to 64 years of age—labour force participation rates, by level of education and gender, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001
- Figure D-3: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—employed 25 to 64 years of age—occupation groups, by gender, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001 (percentage distribution)
- Figure D-4: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—employed 25 to 64 years of age—industry sector, by gender, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001 (percentage distribution)
- Figure D-5: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—employed 25 to 64 years of age—skill requirements of jobs, by gender, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001 (percentage distribution)
- Figure D-6: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—25 to 64 years of age—percentage of employed university graduates with job requiring university education, by gender, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001
- Figure E-1: Immigrants by period of immigration and Canadian-born—percentage with family or individual income below the median and below one-half of the median, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2000
- Figure F-1: Immigrant households (by period of immigration) and Canadian-born households—home ownership, by household type, Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 2001 (percentage)
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