CIMM – Q-162 – IRCC Response – February 8, 2023

Inquiry of Ministry

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Question No. : Q-162

By: Ms. Kwan (Vancouver East)

Date: December 6, 2021

Reply by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Print name of Signatory: L’hounorable Sean Fraser

Signature, Minister or Parliamentary Secretary


With regard to the government’s response to the crisis in Afghanistan: (a) under the special measures for people in Afghanistan, broken down by month, how many people have (i) applied, (ii) been provided with a Canadian visa or confirmation of Canadian citizenship, (iii) received invitations to go to an airport, (iv) been approved to be a permanent resident; (b) under the special measures for Afghan nationals outside of Afghanistan and their dependents, broken down by inland and outland origin of requests and by month, how many applications have (i) been received, (ii) been approved, (iii) resulted in the applicant landing in Canada; (c) what are the details of any briefing notes on Afghanistan provided to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship since 2019, including the (i) title, (ii) author, (iii) date prepared, (iv) internal tracking number; (d) what are the details of any briefing notes on Afghanistan provided to the Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2019, including the (i) title, (ii) author, (iii) date prepared, (iv) internal tracking number; (e) what are the details of any briefing notes on Afghanistan provided to the Minister of National Defense since 2019, including the (i) title, (ii) author, (iii) date prepared, (iv) internal tracking number; and (f) what are the details of any responses to the briefing notes in (c), (d) and (e), including the (i) title, (ii) author, (iii) date prepared, (iv) recipient, (v) internal tracking number?


Insofar as Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is concerned: 

As of December 8, 2021, Canada has received 14,692 applications under the Special Immigration Measures (SIMs) for Afghanistan program, of whom 9,627 have arrived in Canada. 

Sub question A: Special Immigration Measures for Afghanistan - Monthly ProgressionFootnote *
  July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
Number of Applications Received (in people) 1,635 9,960 2,645 505 125 5 14,880
Number of Canadian Visas Issued 130 5,950 3,300 90 140 220 9,830
Number of Invitations (to go to an airport) This data is not accessible.
Number of Approved Permanent Resident ApplicationsFootnote ** (GAR only) - - 35 15 35 10 95
Sub question B: Special Immigration Measures for Afghanistan – Country of ResidenceFootnote *
  July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
Number of Applications by origin Inland 1,350 7,310 2,065 435 105 - 11,260
Outland 285 2,650 580 70 20 - 3,620
Number of Approved Applications Inland 130 4,440 2,405 30 - 15 7,020
Outland - 1,510 895 60 135 205 2,810
Number of Approved Applications Resulting in the Applicants’ Landing in Canada  Inland - 775 1,185 210 95 - 2,260
Outland 0 30 60 150 505 125 870

All key statistics, updated regularly, may be found on IRCC’s website at

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