CIMM – Q-310 – IRCC Response – February 8, 2023

Inquiry of Ministry

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Question No. : Q-310

By: Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore)

Date: February 4. 2022

Reply by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Print name of Signatory: Marie-France Lalonde, M.P.

Signature, Minister or Parliamentary Secretary


With regard to applications received by the government in relation to the relocation to Canada from Afghanistan of interpreters or other individuals who assisted Canadian Armed Forces, and their families: (a) what is the number of applications received from Afghanistan, for relocation to Canada, since August 1, 2021; (b) how many of the applications were prioritized as urgent; (c) how many of the applications are supported by (i) retired Canadian Forces personnel, (ii) other Canadian citizens or permanent residents; (d) how many of the applicants were relocated to Canada, broken down by month since August 1, 2021; and (e) how many staff members at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada have been working full-time on processing these applications, broken down by month, since August 1, 2021?


Insofar as Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is concerned: 

Year Month of Arrival Arrivals (in persons)
2021 Aug 905
Sept 330
Oct 650
Nov 125
Dec 115
2021 Total 2,125
2022 Jan 210
Feb 55
2022 Total 265
Grand Total 2,385

The Department continues processing applications as efficiently as possible, not only adding resources, but also waiving application fees, as well as mobilizing our global network to process and issue visas on an urgent basis. We have set up a dedicated telephone line, with extended hours, to serve Afghan clients seeking information and assistance. 

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