CIMM – Clients in Pakistan – February 8, 2023
[Redacted] appears where sensitive information has been removed in accordance with the principles of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
Implicated Recommendations:
Recommendation #16 (GAC lead) – Engage with neighbouring countries on safe passage
Recommendation #33 – Evacuation flights for Afghans in third countries
Key Messages
- The Government of Canada appreciates the Government of Pakistan’s assistance in helping to support safe passage for vulnerable Afghans who are being resettled in Canada.
- Nearly ten thousand Afghan clients have been resettled in Canada through Pakistan since the fall of Kabul. Canada has welcomed 22 charter flights for Afghan clients from Pakistan since October 2021.
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is aware of the media stories regarding detention and deportation of Afghans from Pakistan.
- There are no reports of IRCC clients being impacted at this time. The Government of Canada, including the High Commission in Islamabad, continues to monitor the situation closely.
Supplementary Messages
- Since the beginning of the crisis in Afghanistan, the Government of Canada has maintained an active and constructive dialogue with the Government of Pakistan on issues related to safe passage for vulnerable Afghans, including the facilitation of entry and exit for our clients.
- Even before the current crisis in Afghanistan, there were over a million Afghan refugees in Pakistan. We recognize the challenge this presents for the Government of Pakistan. Through our High Commission in Islamabad, we are working with the Government of Pakistan to streamline exit processes for those Afghans who are being resettled to Canada.
- The Government of Canada is engaged, along with likeminded partners, in supporting the broader refugee protection environment in Pakistan.
- IRCC regularly reminds Afghan clients who may be considering travelling to Pakistan to complete the processing of their applications of the importance of respecting Pakistan’s entry requirements.
- According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, there are over 1.3M Afghan refugees in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan suggests a higher overall number and estimates that over 250,000 have arrived since 2021.
- Since 2021, Pakistan has provided [Redacted]
- [Redacted]
- Although media stories have reported that Afghans [Redacted].
- [Redacted] under Pakistan’s laws.
- Pakistan offers a stable but limited protection space to recent Afghan arrivals. [Redacted] .
- [Redacted]
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