CIMM – Immigration Pathways, Eligibility Criteria and Program Caps– February 8, 2023

Implicated Recommendations:

Recommendation #17 – Waive biometrics and other documentation requirements

Recommendation #24 – Expand vulnerable groups

Recommendation #26 – Waive RSD requirement for Afghans

Recommendation #27 – Waive refugee requirement to be outside country of origin

Recommendation #29 – Expand extended family program to other Afghans

Recommendation #31 – Remove caps on SAHs

Recommendation #32 – Extend income support for EFPP to be year-long

Recommendation #34 – Provide EFPP with accommodation in third countries

Key Messages

Supplementary Messages

Waiving Documentation Requirements (#17):

Expansion of Humanitarian Program to Other Vulnerable Groups (#24):

Expansion of the Extended Family Members of Former Afghan Interpreters (EFPP) Program to Other Afghans (#29):

Waive Requirement to be Outside Country of Origin (#27):

Refugee Status Determination (RSD) Requirement Waiver (#26):

Program Caps:

Caps on Sponsorship Agreement Holders (Sahs) (Recommendation #31):

Page details

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