CIMM – SP Africa By Language and Province – June 14, 2023

Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 with a Country of Residence in Africa, by Province of Destination and Official LanguageFootnote *
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 138 94 4 59% 236
English 513 1,172 5 30% 1,690
French 7,921 20,766 59 28% 28,746
Neither 44 32 0 58% 76
Unspecified 27 14 0 66% 41
Total 8,643 22,078 68 28% 30,789
Rest of Canada Bilingual 18 8 0 69% 26
English 7,388 24,261 101 23% 31,750
French 2,730 7,854 27 26% 10,611
Neither 18 37 0 33% 55
Unspecified 68 18 0 79% 86
Total 10,222 32,178 128 24% 42,528
Unspecified English2 0 0 100% 2
French 130 0 0 100% 130
Neither 0 0 0 0% 0
Unspecified 1 18 3 5% 22
Total 133 18 3 88% 154
Total 18,998 54,274 199 26% 73,471
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 with a Country of Residence in Africa, by Province of Destination and Official Language
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 20 5 0 80% 25
English 326 631 6 34% 963
French 4,481 16,806 63 21% 21,350
Neither 35 15 0 70% 50
Unspecified 21 9 2 70% 32
Total 4,883 17,466 71 22% 22,420
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English 4,193 15,119 89 22% 19,401
French 1,381 5,082 29 21% 6,492
Neither 19 40 0 32% 59
Unspecified 25 6 1 81% 32
Total 5,618 20,247 119 22% 25,984
Unspecified English1 0 0 100% 1
French 43 0 0 100% 43
Neither 0 0 0 0% 0
Unspecified 0 2 0 0% 2
Total 44 2 0 96% 46
Total 10,545 37,715 190 22% 48,450
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 with a Country of Residence in Africa, by Province of Destination and Official Language
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 1 0 0 100% 1
English642 1,025 12 39% 1,679
French9,072 25,463 89 26% 34,624
Neither46 28 0 62% 74
Unspecified16 0 0 100% 16
Total9,777 26,516 101 27% 36,394
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English11,594 23,297 205 33% 35,096
French3,334 7,812 30 30% 11,176
Neither39 86 1 31% 126
Unspecified49 2 0 96% 51
Total15,016 31,197 236 32% 46,449
Unspecified English3 0 1 100% 4
French151 5 0 97% 156
Neither0 0 0 0% 0
Unspecified1 1 1 50% 3
Total155 6 2 96% 163
Total 24,948 57,719 339 30% 83,006
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 with a Country of Residence in Africa, by Province of Destination and Official Language
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English1,006 1,278 24 44% 2,308
French14,127 26,461 180 35% 40,768
Neither154 24 15 87% 193
Unspecified32 1 0 97% 33
Total15,319 27,764 219 36% 43,302
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English21,515 35,301 399 38% 57,215
French5,453 10,695 36 34% 16,184
Neither49 54 0 48% 103
Unspecified95 6 3 94% 104
Total27,112 46,056 438 37% 73,606
Unspecified English220 141 5 61% 366
French100 11 1 90% 112
Neither0 3 0 0% 3
Unspecified28 0 3 100% 31
Total348 155 9 69% 512
Total 42,779 73,975 666 37% 117,420
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 with a Country of Residence in Africa, by Province of Destination and Official Language
2023 (January - April) Total
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0 262
English352 546 24 39% 922 7,562
French7,329 15,273 161 32% 22,763 148,251
Neither76 19 16 80% 111 504
Unspecified9 0 0 100% 9 131
Total7,766 15,838 201 33% 23,805 156,710
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0 26
English14,213 21,752 145 40% 36,110 179,572
French2,063 4,842 19 30% 6,924 51,387
Neither21 31 3 40% 55 398
Unspecified22 0 2 100% 24 297
Total16,319 26,625 169 38% 43,113 231,680
Unspecified English122 83 2 60% 207 580
French25 3 0 89% 28 469
Neither0 0 0 0% 0 3
Unspecified11 3 0 79% 14 72
Total158 89 2 64% 249 1,124
Total 24,243 42,552 372 36% 67,167 389,514
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 Globally, by Province of Destination and Official Language
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 146 98 4 60% 248
English20,035 15,400 81 57% 35,516
French16,549 23,432 113 41% 40,094
Neither607 315 10 66% 932
Unspecified1,163 42 13 97% 1,218
Total38,500 39,287 221 49% 78,008
Rest of Canada Bilingual 21 11 2 66% 34
English199,736 119,572 889 63% 320,197
French4,357 8,607 41 34% 13,005
Neither4,567 1,696 21 73% 6,284
Unspecified2,145 117 30 95% 2,292
Total210,826 130,003 983 62% 341,812
Unspecified English4,398 307 4 93% 4,709
French2,265 67 0 97% 2,332
Neither67 12 0 85% 79
Unspecified44 66 55 40% 165
Total6,774 452 59 94% 7,285
Total 256,100 169,742 1,263 60% 427,105
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 Globally, by Province of Destination and Official Language
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 20 5 0 80% 25
English10,346 14,149 174 42% 24,669
French9,574 18,497 164 34% 28,235
Neither267 207 6 56% 480
Unspecified495 20 6 96% 521
Total20,702 32,878 350 39% 53,930
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English81,527 67,875 1,938 55% 151,340
French2,252 5,524 69 29% 7,845
Neither1,916 998 45 66% 2,959
Unspecified786 39 16 95% 841
Total86,481 74,436 2,068 54% 162,985
Unspecified English2,452 48 24 98% 2,524
French2,193 11 27 100% 2,231
Neither45 0 1 100% 46
Unspecified9 7 17 56% 33
Total4,699 66 69 99% 4,834
Total 111,882 107,380 2,487 51% 221,749
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 Globally, by Province of Destination and Official Language
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 1 0 0 100% 1
English15,574 21,521 2,198 42% 39,293
French20,920 29,869 242 41% 51,031
Neither695 392 10 64% 1,097
Unspecified839 13 3 98% 855
Total38,029 51,795 2,453 42% 92,277
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English269,343 157,299 3,604 63% 430,246
French5,979 8,888 66 40% 14,933
Neither4,910 2,365 100 67% 7,375
Unspecified1,080 28 9 97% 1,117
Total281,312 168,580 3,779 63% 453,671
Unspecified English7,225 223 24 97% 7,472
French3,940 73 5 98% 4,018
Neither158 5 0 97% 163
Unspecified32 8 24 80% 64
Total11,355 309 53 97% 11,717
Total 330,696 220,684 6,285 60% 557,665
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 Globally, by Province of Destination and Official Language
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English14,363 15,612 540 48% 30,515
French23,449 31,979 252 42% 55,680
Neither1,128 630 21 64% 1,779
Unspecified860 4 8 100% 872
Total39,800 48,225 821 45% 88,846
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0
English349,347 255,096 5,005 58% 609,448
French7,429 11,889 56 38% 19,374
Neither5,664 2,519 163 69% 8,346
Unspecified1,616 25 42 98% 1,683
Total364,056 269,529 5,266 57% 638,851
Unspecified English8,313 496 34 94% 8,843
French3,241 33 3 99% 3,277
Neither211 22 3 91% 236
Unspecified5,062 4 59 100% 5,125
Total16,827 555 99 97% 17,481
Total 420,683 318,309 6,186 57% 745,178
Study Permits Processed between January 1, 2019 and April 30, 2023 Globally, by Province of Destination and Official Language
2023 (January - April) Total
Approved Refused Withdrawn Approval Rate Total
Quebec Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0 274
English2,848 3,840 77 43% 6,765 136,758
French8,891 17,047 186 34% 26,124 201,164
Neither466 143 18 77% 627 4,915
Unspecified129 3 1 98% 133 3,599
Total12,334 21,033 282 37% 33,649 346,710
Rest of Canada Bilingual 0 0 0 0% 0 34
English118,038 80,553 1,299 59% 199,890 1,711,121
French2,344 5,157 31 31% 7,532 62,689
Neither2,147 779 43 73% 2,969 27,933
Unspecified337 7 10 98% 354 6,287
Total122,866 86,496 1,383 59% 210,745 1,808,064
Unspecified English2,340 232 5 91% 2,577 26,125
French636 10 1 98% 647 12,505
Neither58 13 0 82% 71 595
Unspecified2,319 5 7 100% 2,331 7,718
Total5,353 260 13 95% 5,626 46,943
Total 140,553 107,789 1,678 57% 250,020 2,201,717

Data compiled by OPP-DART
Source: Cognos (CBR) as of May 23, 2023
Data is operational and subject to change.
For approval to release this report externally, please contact the Data Protocol Unit (DPU)

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