IRCC expression of interest process for service delivery improvements projects is now open
Ottawa, October 15, 2020—As part of its commitment to delivering high-quality settlement services to newcomers, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is proud to announce that the expression of interest (EOI) process for service delivery improvements (SDI) projects is now open.
The SDI funding stream was created in 2017 to develop innovative approaches to better support the settlement and integration of newcomers. This latest EOI process will focus on settlement services for newcomers to safely and sustainably recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Approximately $30 million will be available in the first year for projects across Canada.
Important information for those interested in submitting a letter of interest for SDI projects:
- The EOI is a 2-stage process:
- Stage 1: Submit a letter of interest between October 15 and November 24, 2020
- Stage 2: In March 2021, if your letter of interest has been chosen, you will be invited to submit a full proposal
- Throughout Stage 1, IRCC will host webinars to help applicants understand the process and to answer questions. Here is the list of scheduled webinars.
- Detailed funding guidelines – archived for this SDI process are available on IRCC’s website to assist applicants in preparing their applications.
- There are also general settlement and resettlement resources available on the IRCC website, including budget guidance and frequently asked questions.
- Applicants can sign up for email notifications to be informed when new settlement and resettlement assistance funding processes are announced.
- More information is available online on IRCC’s open funding processes webpage.
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