The Oath of Citizenship
At the citizenship ceremony, you will repeat the Oath of Citizenship. To help you prepare, use this video. You can also practice it in French.
The Oath of Citizenship
This video is also available in HD on YouTube where you can leave a comment, share it on your social network or embed it into your site.
Transcript: “The Oath of Citizenship”
Video length: 0:55 minutes
The video begins with a black screen. The title “Oath of Citizenship,” written in white lettering, appears on the right half of the screen.
The words read by the narrator appear on the screen.
Narrator: I swear
At the same time, the words “or affirm” appear in parentheses; on the left half of the screen, a raised hand appears.
The words read by the narrator are written on the screen.
Narrator: That I will be faithful
And bear true allegiance
The picture of the hand disappears. A photo of the Arms of Canada appears on the left half of the screen.
The words read by the narrator continue to appear on the screen.
Narrator: To His Majesty
King Charles the Third
King of Canada
His Heirs and Successors
The photo of the Arms of Canada disappears.
The Canadian flag blowing in the wind with a blue sky in the background appears on the left side of the screen.
The words read by the narrator continue to appear on the screen.
Narrator: And that I will faithfully observe
The laws of Canada
Including the Constitution
The Canadian flag disappears.
A photo of an Indigenous woman with both hands in the air holding a tambourine, with a forest in the background, appears on the left side of the screen.
The words read by the narrator continue to appear on the screen.
Narrator: Which recognizes and affirms
The Aboriginal and treaty rights of
The Indigenous woman with the tambourine disappears.
The back of an Indigenous individual dancing in a field beside a river while wearing traditional Indigenous clothing appears on the left side of the screen.
The words read by the narrator continue to appear on the screen.
Narrator: First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples
The Indigenous dancer disappears.
The back of an Indigenous individual wearing winter clothing in a snow field while holding a large Canadian flag pole in the air appears on the left side of the screen.
The words read by the narrator continue to appear on the screen.
Narrator: And fulfil my duties
As a Canadian citizen.
Fade to black.
The signature displaying the Canada flag symbol and the name of the department (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada – Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada) appears on the screen.
Fade to black.
The word “Canada” written in white appears on a black background with a small red Canadian flag on the last letter.
Fade to black.
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