Stories of Afghan newcomers

See first hand how two Afghan refugees have found safe haven and a new life in Canada

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Transcript: “Stories of Afghan newcomers”

Video length: 2:05

Light piano music plays.

Overhead shot of a person walking in a park.

Close-up shot of a person’s feet walking on asphalt.

A person dressed in a Scouting uniform walks in a park.

Mohammad Tamim Hamkar: “I never imagined, you know, to leave my country.”

Text displays: “Stories of Afghan Newcomers”

A person in a kitchen walks with a cup of tea in their hands.

A person looking at photos on their computer.

Abdul Hakim Azizi: “It was a very bad situation. Afghanistan in general is not secure.”

Text displays: “Abdul Hakim Azizi, Afghan Refugee”

Abdul is sitting and speaking to the camera.

Abdul Hakim Azizi: “A lot of bad things were going on around Kabul City. Inside Kabul City, people were being killed, and nobody was taking the responsibility. Explosions and horror on the faces of the people. So terrible situation.”

Mohammad is dressed in a Scouting uniform and is sitting in a park.

Text displays: “Mohammad Tamim Hamkar, Afghan Refugee and Director at the  Afghanistan Scout Association”

Mohammad Tamim Hamkar: “Everything is happening in one day, you know, at the same, you know, when Kabul falls with the Taliban,..”

Close up of badges on a uniform. The camera pans to Mohammad’s profile.

Mohammad is sitting and speaking to the camera.

Mohammad Tamim Hamkar: “you know, in front of my eyes. Still I remember that day. It's difficult when you are leaving your country.”

Upbeat music plays.

Abdul is sitting indoors.

Abdul Hakim Azizi: “The first moment, the first thing that we felt, was some sort of relief and then de-stress when we landed in.

Shot of an army plane landing at a Canadian airport. Shot of an army plane on the tarmac.

Abdul is sitting indoors.

Abdul Hakim Azizi: “The first thing that I am really honoured and very proud of it is that I got a job now..”

Abdul is sitting and typing on a computer.

Close up of Abdul sipping tea while on a computer.

Abdul is sitting indoors.

Abdul Hakim Azizi: “..and, yeah, in a professional environment, where I can develop my career and gain Canadian experience here. You see different faces, different colours and from different ethnicities. So you find them and which makes it very beautiful.”

Mohammad is dressed in a Scouting uniform and is sitting in a park.

Mohammad Tamim Hamkar: “Different people, different life, different religion, different idea. They are living together in peace. They love each other, you know. Now I'm feeling, you know, I am in a good place, especially for my kids, you know. When they are going to schools, I’m fully happy, you know. I never imagined, you know, to be staying in Canada.”

Hashtag WelcomeAfghans appears on screen.

Music stops.

We see the brand image of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

We see the signature of the Government of Canada with the Canadian flag flying on a black background.

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