Supplementary Information: Your Travels (IMM 5562)

There are 2 versions of this form:

Check the instructions for your program to find out which version to use.

How to fill out the form (online applications)

Read these instructions if you need help filling out any sections of this form in the Permanent Residence Portal.

If you cannot apply online and require accommodations, including for a disability, you may request an alternative format of this form and the application package. For more information, consult the instruction guide for your program.

Supplementary Information: Your Travels (IMM 5562)

This form must be completed by:

  • you, the principal applicant;

You must complete all sections including those for your spouse or common law partner (whether accompanying or not) and each dependent child over the age of 18 (whether accompanying or not).

If you need more space for any section, please add lines to the form by pressing the + button. If you apply on paper, print out an additional page containing the appropriate section, complete it and submit it along with your application. Print your name and the form's title on the additional sheet.

Question 1

Write your full family name (surname/last name) as it is shown on your passport or on the official documents that you will use to obtain your passport.

Write all of your given names (first, second or more) as they are shown on your passport or official documents. Do not use initials.

Question 2a

List all trips you have taken outside your country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since your 18th birthday, if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc.

If you did not travel outside your country during this period, select “did not travel”.

Question 2b

Write the full name (given name and surname/family name) of your spouse or common-law partner as it appears on their passport or on the official documents that will be used to obtain their passport. Do not use initials.

List all trips your spouse or common-law partner has taken outside their country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since their 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc.

If they did not travel outside their country during this period, select “did not travel”.

Question 2c,d,e

Write the full name (given name and surname/family name) of your dependent child 18 years or older as it appears on their passport or on the official documents that will be used to obtain their passport. Do not use initials.

List all trips that the dependent child has taken outside their country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since their 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc.

If they did not travel outside their country during this period, check “did not travel”.

How to download and fill out the form (paper applications)

Download the form

Complete the form

Supplementary Information: Your Travels (IMM 5562)

This form must be completed by:

  • you, the principal applicant;

You must complete all sections including those for your spouse or common law partner (whether accompanying or not) and each dependent child over the age of 18 (whether accompanying or not).

If you need more space for any section, please add lines to the form by pressing the + button. If you apply on paper, print out an additional page containing the appropriate section, complete it and submit it along with your application. Print your name and the form's title on the additional sheet.

Question 1

Write your full family name (surname/last name) as it is shown on your passport or on the official documents that you will use to obtain your passport.

Write all of your given names (first, second or more) as they are shown on your passport or official documents. Do not use initials.

Question 2a

List all trips you have taken outside your country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since your 18th birthday, if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc.

If you did not travel outside your country during this period, select “did not travel”.

Question 2b

Write the full name (given name and surname/family name) of your spouse or common-law partner as it appears on their passport or on the official documents that will be used to obtain their passport. Do not use initials.

List all trips your spouse or common-law partner has taken outside their country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since their 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc.

If they did not travel outside their country during this period, select “did not travel”.

Question 2c,d,e

Write the full name (given name and surname/family name) of your dependent child 18 years or older as it appears on their passport or on the official documents that will be used to obtain their passport. Do not use initials.

List all trips that the dependent child has taken outside their country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since their 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc.

If they did not travel outside their country during this period, check “did not travel”.

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