Schedule A: Background / Declaration Form (IMM 5669)
There are 2 versions of this form:
- a digital version in the Permanent Residence Portal
- a PDF version for paper applications
Check the instructions for your program to find out which version to use.
How to fill out the form (online applications)
Read these instructions if you need help filling out any sections of this form in the Permanent Residence Portal.
If you cannot apply online and require accommodations, including for a disability, you may request an alternative format of this form and the application package. For more information, consult the instruction guide for your program.
Schedule A – Background/Declaration (IMM 5669)
For refugee claimants in Canada: Only family members included in your application for refugee protection who are with you in Canada must be included using this form.
Personal details
Family and given names
Family name is also known as last name or surname.
Given names are also known as first name and middle name. Do not use initials.
Enter your names exactly as they appear on your passport, travel document or identity document.
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, you must enter an explanation in the details field.
If you didn’t earn a diploma, leave the “Type of certificate or diploma issued” field blank.
Personal history
Important: do not leave any gaps in time.
If you don’t account for all time periods, it may delay the processing of your application.
Personal history - Activity
Examples of activity types
- employment (please specify)
- unemployed
- educational activity
Personal history - Status in country or territory
Examples of status
- work visa
- citizen
- study visa
- visitor visa
Exception: If you have not worked in the past 10 years (for example, you’re retired), you must provide details of your personal history since the age of 18. The resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) that you provide with your application will help verify the information in this question.
Membership and association with organizations
Examples of organizations
- political organizations
- social organizations
- youth or student organizations
- trade unions
- professional associations
Don’t use abbreviations.
Government positions
Examples of government positions
- civil servant
- judge
- police officer
- employee in a security organization
Don’t use abbreviations.
Military and paramilitary service
Important: do not leave any gaps in time.
If you don’t account for all time periods, it may delay the processing of your application.
Write out addresses in full without using any abbreviations. Use the apartment or unit number, if this applies.
Example: 999 Family Street, Unit #3, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K3J 9T5
Authority to disclose personal information
Declaration of applicant
Read all of the statements in all sections carefully and type your full name into the blue field (this is your digital signature).
By signing, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you provided is complete, truthful, and correct.
How to download and fill out the form (paper applications)
Download the form
Schedule A: Background / Declaration Form [IMM 5669] (PDF, 0.2 MB)
Complete the form
Schedule A – Background/Declaration (IMM 5669)
This form must be completed by:
- you, the principal applicant;
- your spouse or common-law partner (whether accompanying you to Canada or not), and
- your dependent children aged 18 years or older (whether accompanying you to Canada or not).
For refugee claimants in Canada: Only family members included in your application for refugee protection who are with you in Canada must complete this form.
- Question 1
Enter your full family name (surname or last name) exactly as it is shown on your passport, travel or identity document.
Enter all of your given name(s) (first, second or more) exactly as they are shown on your passport, travel or identity document. Do not use initials.
- Question 2
Enter your name in your native language or script (if applicable).
For example: Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Japanese characters or Chinese commercial/telegraphic code.
- Question 3
Enter your date of birth. If you do not know your complete date of birth, please use an “*” (asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the unknown year, month or day. For example, if the day and month of your date of birth is unknown you could enter 1964/*/*.
- Question 4
Provide your father’s personal details including their:
- family name (surname or last name),
- given name(s),
- date of birth,
- town or city of birth,
- country of birth,
- date of death (if applicable).
- Question 5
Provide your mother’s personal details including their:
- family name (surname or last name),
- given name(s),
- date of birth,
- town or city of birth,
- country of birth,
- date of death (if applicable).
- Question 6
Answer each question by checking the appropriate box.
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, you must explain what happened in the space provided. If you need more space, attach a separate sheet of paper.
For questions 7-12, when answering:
- Do not use abbreviations
- Do not leave gaps in time
If a question doesn’t apply to you, write “N/A” in the question.
If you need more space, attach a separate sheet of paper.
Important information: Processing will be delayed if you do not account for all periods of time.
- Question 7
Enter the number of years of formal education you have completed at each of the levels indicated.
Provide the details about each secondary and post-secondary educational institution you attended, including the:
- period of time that you attended the institution,
- name of the institution,
- city and country,
- type of certificate or diploma issued, and
- field of study.
If no diploma was issued, write “N/A”. If you need more space, attach a separate sheet of paper.
- Question 8
Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent.
Start with the most recent information.
If you were working:
- under “Activity”, enter your occupation or job title.
- make sure you provide a specific job title
- If your job title is not clear, provide a brief list of your duties
If you were not working:
- Explain what you were doing (for example: unemployed, studying, travelling, retired, in detention, etc.)
If you were outside your country of nationality, enter your status of the country you were in.
Important information: Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time. Failure to account for all time periods will result in a delay in the processing of your application.
- Question 9: Membership in organizations
If you were or still are a member of an association or organizing, enter the names here.
This includes:
- political organizations,
- social organizations,
- youth or student organizations,
- trade unions, and
- professional associations.
If you were not a member of an association or organization, do not write “not applicable”. Instead, enter: “I have never been a member of an organization or association”.
- Question 10
Enter any government positions you have held in the past such as:
- Civil servant;
- Judge;
- Police officer;
- Employee in a security organization;
- Etc.
Enter “NONE” in the box if you have not been a member of an association or organization.
- the name of the country and the level of jurisdiction (examples: national, regional or municipal),
- the name of the department or the branch you worked for, and
- activities and/or positions that you held.
Note: Do not use abbreviations.
- Question 11
Give complete details about your military or paramilitary service (if applicable). Provide the details of your military or paramilitary service for each of the countries whose armed forces you served in. If you were not in any military or paramilitary service, write “NONE”. Do not leave gaps in time.
- Question 12
Enter the residential addresses where you have lived since your 18th birthday or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent, complete with the postal code. Do not use P.O. Box addresses.
Authority to disclose personal information
Declaration of applicant
Read all of the statements in all sections carefully. Sign and date in the boxes provided. By signing, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, truthful, and correct. If you do not sign and date, the application will be returned to you.
Note: The bottom section of Schedule A should not be completed at this time.
Page details
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