Who can apply

  • If you’re part of an investor group

    If your commitment certificate was given to an investor group, all essential members of your group must submit their permanent residence applications before you can get a work permit.

  • What are significant economic benefits?

    Significant economic benefits include

    • job creation
    • product or service innovation
    • boost to remote economies
    • training opportunities for Canadians

    Include supporting documents in your application that show

    • you’re an experienced entrepreneur
    • how your business will provide at least one of the benefits above

    If you don’t include documents that show this, we may refuse your work permit.

How much money do I need to bring for me and my family?

To qualify for a work permit, you must have enough money to meet the minimum income requirement (for your family size) for 52 weeks. Make sure you clearly show that you have the amount listed in the table below.

The money must also be

  • accessible
  • transferable
  • not limited by debts or other obligations

Proof of funds we accept includes:

  • cash
  • documents that show property or capital payable to you, like
    • stocks
    • bonds
    • debentures
    • treasury bills
  • documents that guarantee payment of a set amount of money to you, like
    • banker's drafts
    • cheques
    • travellers’ cheques
    • money orders

Minimum amount of money you need to immigrate to Canada based on the size of your family

Updated June 3, 2024

Number of family members Funds you need
(in Canadian dollars)
1 $29,380
2 $36,576
3 $44,966
4 $54,594
5 $61,920
6 $69,834
7 $77,750
If more than 7 people, for each additional family member, add $7,916

Bringing cash to Canada

If you’re bringing more than CAN$10,000 in cash across the Canadian border, you must tell a border agent when you arrive. If you don’t, you may be fined, and your funds could be taken away.

What family can come with you

If you apply for a work permit, you may be able to bring your

  • spouse or common-law partner
  • dependent children

They need to meet the requirements for temporary residence. This includes children who are too young to attend school.

Work and study permits for family

Family coming with you can also apply for an open work permit if they’re eligible.

Any dependent children coming with you can apply for a study permit.

Each family member must fill out a separate application form for a

  • visitor visa or eTA
  • work permit
  • study permit

You can submit all applications for your family with your work permit application.

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