2020–2021 Departmental Plan: Gender-based analysis plus

General information

Governance structures

Under the Impact Assessment Act, the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors must be considered as part of the impact assessment of designated projects. Pursuant to this legislative requirement, the Agency ensures that GBA+ is integrated into the impact assessment process. This includes the decision-making stage of the impact assessment process, where the Agency integrates GBA+ into the documents provided to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Cabinet to support their determinations under the Impact Assessment Act of whether designated projects are in the public interest.

The Agency’s External Relations and Strategic Policy Sector is the office of primary interest in the GBA+ work conducted in the context of supporting MC development. This work is led by the Cabinet Affairs Division, and supported by analysts in the Science Policy Division, among others, including other government departments where appropriate.

The Agency also participates in an interdepartmental GBA+ committee led by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE). The objective of this committee is to facilitate a common understanding of GBA+ and to support its consistent implementation throughout the federal government. Its activities aim to increase the federal government’s GBA+ capacity and expertise; provide a forum for sharing information and best practices; and promote collaboration amongst members to develop GBA+ tools, resources and training. Participation by the Agency ensures that these best-practices are implemented in the Agency’s work.

Human resources

The Agency has one full-time equivalent dedicated to GBA+ in the Science Policy Division, External Relations and Strategic Policy Sector. This position provides expert guidance to the Agency on GBA+ and supports the development of policies and tools to support the Agency, other federal departments and agencies, and project proponents in meeting the legislated requirement under the Impact Assessment Act to consider the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors when assessing the impacts of proposed projects.

Other areas of the Agency foster GBA+ expertise, including Operations staff and Cabinet Affairs, though these positions are not considered full-time equivalents for GBA+. In support of promoting wider GBA+ competency throughout the Agency, resources have been invested to develop, deliver, and promote GBA+ training for Agency employees and other government departments involved in project analysis under the Impact Assessment Act, such as Health Canada.

Internally, the Agency supports GBA+ by actively supporting a diverse workspace that is inclusive of all cultures and groups, and which more effectively represents larger Canadian society.

Planned initiatives

Initiative 1: Project Review, ongoing

The Agency will continue to review project descriptions and impact assessment statements, to monitor the quality of GBA+ in project-level assessment as required by the Impact Assessment Act. Reviews will ensure that projects demonstrate application of GBA+, as informed by Agency guidance and the Government’s Gender Results Framework (GRF) best practices. The expected result of these reviews is the fostering of gender equality through GBA+ informed project development.

Initiative 2: Memoranda to Cabinet (MCs), ongoing

As projects move to the decision-making phase with Cabinet or Governor-in-Council, the Agency will continue to prepare MCs that include GBA+ analysis to ensure that decisions are informed by GBA+.

Initiative 3: Training and Guidance Publication

In addition to its available guidance, the Agency will continue to update and amend guidance as best practices in GBA+ evolve, and practitioner needs evolve under the IAA. The Agency will also continue to provide advanced, technical training on applying GBA+ under the IAA for Agency staff, IA practitioners, and other government departments. These activities will support the objectives of the Gender Results Framework by ensuring consistent and thorough application of GBA+ in Agency work.

Reporting capacity and data

The Agency will compile GBA+ data, as submitted by a proponent throughout the impact assessment process, to the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry. The Registry is a public website where proponent reports, public comments, and other documents relevant to the impact assessment of a designated project are stored. Included in these documents is the GBA+ and supporting data, which will vary in depth depending on the scope of the project and data available, but at a minimum will include sex disaggregated health, social, and economic data, and supporting data by identity factors such as age.

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