Results for Canadians

Nationwide, trade barriers have been a long-standing impediment to Canada’s economic and global competitiveness. Enhancing internal trade is a part of the government’s plan to make life affordable, strengthen our supply chains, and grow our economy.

Successes to date

Since the signing of the Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) in 2017, the Government of Canada has demonstrated leadership in achieving meaningful progress to reduce barriers to trade.

Achievements of the Federal Action Plan to Strengthen Internal Trade

Additional federal actions

Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) collaborative actions

The CFTA establishes a regulatory reconciliation process that will help to address barriers to trade that businesses may experience when doing business across provincial and territorial borders. The process is led by the FPT Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table (RCT).

Since 2017, the RCT has advanced and endorsed 17 Reconciliation Agreements, achieving, among other things:

The successful implementation of 13 of the Reconciliation Agreements required action by the Government of Canada. The federal government has fulfilled its commitments for 12 Reconciliations Agreements with plans to complete the implementation for the remaining Reconciliation Agreement by the end of 2027.

These agreements are resulting in positive economic impact for many sectors across Canada. In the case of the building codes agreement, limiting variations and aligning adoption is estimated to result in an annual economic benefit of $750 million to $1 billion by 2028.

Federal, provincial, and territorial collaboration, outside of the RCT, has also led to significant achievements, including:

The Government of Canada continues to collaborate with the provinces and territories to advance the trade in alcohol file and negotiate financial services into the CFTA.

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