Standing Committees
The MAB struck three Standing Committees to provide targeted advice and recommendations based on its expertise, experience, and best judgement. Each standing committee has a designated MAB lead who chairs the committee, and is supported by a Primary RCMP Executive Liaison. Each Committee has its own terms of reference to explain how it operates, and its areas of focus. Standing Committees expect to meet a minimum of four times per fiscal year. Summaries of the discussions for each Standing Committee meeting are provided below.
Finance and Administration Standing Committee (FASC)
FASC Meeting Summaries
The FASC examines the RCMP’s financial and administrative risks and challenges, as per their Terms of Reference. The FASC’s areas of interest include, but are not limited to: financial management and use of resources; the RCMP budget and financial sustainability; procurement and real property; and Information Management / Information Technology (IM/IT).
Meeting: December 14, 2023
At its inaugural meeting in December 2023, the FASC established their governance structure, including the review and adoption of their Terms of Reference, and identified the Committee’s areas of interest for 2024-2026. The Standing Committee further decided on the agenda and items for discussion for their next meeting.Meeting: March 14th, 2024
During the FASC meeting in March 2024, the FASC received a presentation on the financial overview of the RCMP, and learned about the procurement structure and policies, as well as the real property portfolio. The FASC highlighted that the RCMP provides frontline, federal, and specialized policing services across the country to millions of Canadians, which requires appropriate funding in line with other policing budgets. The Standing Committee provided insight, as well as appreciation for the work RCMP has done to modernize, specifically within the real property portfolio.Meeting: June 25th, 2024
During the FASC meeting in June 2024, the Committee received an update on the financial overview of the RCMP, engaged on the Contract Policing Funding Model, as well as continued meaningful discussion on procurement with the Chief Financial Officer. The FASC recognized and appreciated the ongoing work by the RCMP, particularly with respect to addressing systemic issues in procurement of goods and services in the organization.Meeting: October 15th, 2024
During the FASC meeting in October 2024, the Committee learned about the plan for an upcoming Evaluation of Northern Policing by RCMP’s Internal Audit, Evaluation, and Review unit. The members also received a financial status update for the organization, and had a discussion on the RCMP’s strategic approach to ensure that it is fiscally prepared to meet organizational needs in the medium and long-term. The Committee also facilitated a discussion on their advisory letter to the Commissioner on procurement, and expressed its appreciation for the organization’s cooperation and support during this process. The FASC also had a preliminary discussion on key areas of focus for 2025-2026.
Human Resources Standing Committee (HRSC)
The HRSC focuses on the RCMP’s human resources policies, programs, and practices, as per their Terms of Reference. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: recruitment; police education and training; and leadership and promotion within the RCMP.
HRSC Meeting Summaries
Meeting: January 12, 2024
At its inaugural meeting in January 2024, the HRSC established their governance framework. More specifically, the HRSC reviewed and adopted their Terms of Reference at the meeting. In addition, the HRSC discussed and decided on their Areas of interest for 2024-2026.Meeting: March 18, 2024
During the meeting in March 2024, the HRSC was provided with the RCMP’s Management Response Action Plan (MRAP) addressing MAB’s Indigenous Recruitment advisory report and recommendations. An update on the RCMP’s MRAP on MAB’s Cadet Training Program advisory report was also provided. The HRSC also heard updates on the current status and progress of the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution. The MAB’s Well-Being Taskforce, which reports through the HRSC, informed the participants that they are working on establishing their areas of interest and future engagements for the year ahead.Meeting: June 26, 2024
During its meeting in June 2024, the HRSC heard updates from the RCMP’s Chief Human Resources Officer and Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution and provided advice accordingly. Recruitment was reiterated to be a top priority for both the RCMP and the MAB, and a presentation was provided on the RCMP’s National First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Recruitment Strategy. The HRSC also learned about the 2022-2023 RCMP Public Service Employee Survey results and what the RCMP is doing in analyzing these results. The MAB’s Well-Being Taskforce provided an update on their engagements to date and areas of interest.Meeting: September 25th, 2024
At their September 2024 meeting, the HRSC received updates from the RCMP’s Chief Human Resources Officer and Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution, and provided insights and appreciation for the various initiatives highlighted, including Recruitment, which is a key priority for the RCMP. RCMP MRAP updates were provided in response to MAB’s advisory reports on Indigenous Recruitment and the Cadet Training Program. The HRSC heard about the RCMP’s Learning Renewal Strategy and Leadership Development and Succession Management Program, with ongoing efforts to modernize training and leadership within the RCMP. The MAB’s Well-Being Taskforce highlighted their meaningful discussions and planning for continued engagements moving forward.
Reform, Accountability, and Culture Standing Committee (RACSC)
The RACSC explores the RCMP’s key transformation and modernization initiatives, as per their Terms of Reference. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: the future of the RCMP and its programs (e.g., Federal Policing, Contract Policing, and Specialized Police Services); the RCMP Strategic Plan; culture change initiatives and measurement; and the RCMP’s response to external reviews.
RACSC Meeting Summaries
Meeting: November 27, 2023
At its inaugural meeting in November 2023, the RACSC established their governance framework. More specifically, the RACSC reviewed and adopted their Terms of Reference. In addition, the RACSC discussed and revised their areas of interest for 2024-2026. The Standing Committee also decided the agenda and items for discussion and advice for their next meeting.Meeting: March 19, 2024
At their March 2024 meeting, the RACSC engaged with the RCMP’s reform sector and learned about its initiatives from the RCMP’s Senior Assistant Deputy Minister on Reform Accountability and Culture. The RACSC also learned about the RCMP’s drafting of a three-year Strategic Plan from the Chief Strategic Policy and External Relations Officer, and engaged with the Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive on the Internal Audit, Evaluation, and Review program of the RCMP. The Standing Committee provided insight and acknowledged the extensive work undertaken by the various Sectors to advance modernization.Meeting: June 18, 2024
During its June 2024 meeting, the RACSC learned about the ongoing development of the RCMP Corporate Risk Profile from the Chief Strategic Policy and External Relations Officer and provided advice accordingly. The Standing Committee also continued its engagement on RCMP reform and modernization. The RACSC heard about the RCMP’s culture change initiatives and projects, as well as the development of performance metrics to measure culture change from the RCMP’s Senior Assistant Deputy Minister on Reform Accountability and Culture. The RACSC believes in the value of strong performance metrics to measure success and demonstrate accountability.Meeting: October 17th, 2024
At its October meeting, the MAB RACSC learned about the RCMP efforts to holistically implement and respond to recommendations from external reviews and reports. The RACSC welcomed the RCMP’s comprehensive and in-depth efforts, and provided advice on its approach moving forward. The RACSC also heard about the RCMP’s updated progress to implement the recommendations of the MAB Taskforce on Federal Policing. The Standing Committee appreciated the extensive progress made across Federal Policing governance, human resources, training, and more, and provided additional advice. In addition, the RACSC noted a list of potential areas of interest for 2025-2026 and agenda items for its next meeting, which is planned for January 2025.
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