Standing Committees

The MAB struck three Standing Committees to provide targeted advice and recommendations based on its expertise, experience, and best judgement. Each standing committee has a designated MAB lead who chairs the committee, and is supported by a Primary RCMP Executive Liaison. Each Committee has its own terms of reference to explain how it operates, and its areas of focus. Standing Committees expect to meet a minimum of four times per fiscal year. Summaries of the discussions for each Standing Committee meeting are provided below.

Finance and Administration Standing Committee (FASC)

FASC Meeting Summaries

The FASC examines the RCMP’s financial and administrative risks and challenges, as per their Terms of Reference. The FASC’s areas of interest include, but are not limited to: financial management and use of resources; the RCMP budget and financial sustainability; procurement and real property; and Information Management / Information Technology (IM/IT).

Human Resources Standing Committee (HRSC)

The HRSC focuses on the RCMP’s human resources policies, programs, and practices, as per their Terms of Reference. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: recruitment; police education and training; and leadership and promotion within the RCMP.

HRSC Meeting Summaries

Reform, Accountability, and Culture Standing Committee (RACSC)

The RACSC explores the RCMP’s key transformation and modernization initiatives, as per their Terms of Reference. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: the future of the RCMP and its programs (e.g., Federal Policing, Contract Policing, and Specialized Police Services); the RCMP Strategic Plan; culture change initiatives and measurement; and the RCMP’s response to external reviews.

RACSC Meeting Summaries

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