# 2015-175 - Entitlement to Rations and Quarters (R&Q) at Public Expense , Separation Expense (SE)

Entitlement to Rations and Quarters (R&Q) at Public Expense , Separation Expense (SE)

Case Summary

F&R Date: 2015–08–17

The grievor submitted that he was unjustly required to pay for rations and quarters (R&Q) during training while still maintaining a residence.

The Initial Authority (IA) found that the grievor was not entitled to separation expense (SE) including free R&Q as his dependant did not occupy the principal residence on a full time basis as provided in Compensation and Benefits Instructions (CBI) article 208.997(5)(m).

The Committee agreed that the grievor was not entitled to SE and free R&Q as he did not meet all eight of the required conditions found in CBI 208.997(3). More specifically, the grievor's dependant did not occupy the principal residence on a full-time basis, as the grievor had moved his dependant, household goods and effects ((D)HG&E) to another city.

However, the Committee noted that the grievor was ready and willing to move his (D)HG&E back to his residence at his own expense, but was initially instructed not to by his chain of command (CoC). Upon receiving final direction to proceed with the move, almost four months later, the grievor moved his (D)HG&E at his first opportunity.

As such, the Committee recommended that the grievor's circumstances be recognized as exceptional in accordance with Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (QR&O) article 208.52 and the grievor be reimbursed for any amount that he was required to pay for R&Q during the period in question.

CDS Decision Summary

CDS Decision Date: 2016–08–17

The FA agreed with the Committee's findings and recommendation that the grievor's situation meets the standard to be considered exceptional as per QR&O 208.52, and that he be reimbursed for any and any deductions made for R&Q for the period in question.

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