# 2017-065 Careers, Career Progression, Commissioned From the Rank

Career Progression, Commissioned From the Rank

Case Summary

F&R Date: 2018–02–15

The grievor, an officer who was commissioned through the Commissioning from the Ranks Plan (CFRP), transferred from the Regular Force (Reg F) to the Primary Reserve (P Res), and subsequently transferred again to the Reg F through the Continuing Education Officer Training Plan (CEOTP). After his transfer to the Reg F, the grievor was required to obtain a university degree in order to be eligible for promotion to the rank of Major. The grievor argued that, as he was commissioned under the CFRP, he should have remained exempt from the requirement to hold a university degree.

The Director General Personnel Generation Requirements (DGPGR) held that CEOTP was the only means by which an officer who does not hold a university degree can transfer from the P Res to the Reg F. The DGPGR staff nonetheless informed the Committee that Occupation Authorities have the flexibility, on a case-by-case basis, to exempt a component transfer applicant from the requirement to obtain a university degree in order to be eligible for a promotion to Major.

The Committee stated that it is within the prerogative of the Canadian Armed Forces to determine the conditions for promotion and to exempt specific CAF members for service reasons. The Committee found that the grievor had made a well informed decision and was entirely satisfied to transfer under the CEOTP at the time. He only started questioning the requirement to hold a university degree for promotion after he had held acting appointments and became aware of his standing on the merit list. The Committee therefore concluded that the grievor's component transfer was administered in accordance with the applicable policy and was fair, and recommend that the grievance be denied.

FA Decision Summary

The grievor withdrew his grievance shortly after issuance of the F&R report.

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