Administration of Operational Allowances


Administration of Operational Allowances

Case numbers


The Committee has reviewed four grievances concerning the issue of payment of operational allowances for pilots flying combat missions.  In addition, evidence on the file suggested that there were several similar grievances still at the Initial Authority level.  The multiple grievances provided the Committee with sufficient evidence to conclude that there was differential treatment of Canadian Armed Forces pilots in similar or identical circumstances.  Specifically, information provided by the Director of Pay Policy and Development showed that pilots were paid different levels of Hardship Allowance (HA) and Risk Allowance (RA) for similar deployments.  The Committee found that the inconsistency was partially caused by the incorrect direction issued by the J1 International Operations Administrative Coordinator which caused confusion concerning entitlements to HA and RA for pilots flying combat missions.


Due to the multiple errors and inconsistencies in the administration of these operational allowances, the Committee recommended that an audit be performed on the operations that have occurred in recent years to ensure that aircrews have been paid the correct levels of HA and RA as permitted under the applicable regulations.

Final Authority Decision

In the first files on this issue, the CDS was not ready to assess the operational allowances issue as being systemic or CAF-wide, since it is predominantly related to aircrew, but he directed that the reviews that are currently underway by all organizations involved continue and that the issue be resolved for future operations. In the 4th file on the same issue, the CDS finally agreed with the Committee that the administration of the existing HA and RA for aircrew that participated in OP MOBILE must be audited, as there were too many inconsistencies. The CDS also added that the Directions issued by CJOC on HA/RA for aircrew for OP IMPACT be reviewed to ensure it is consistent with the MFSI. The CDS asked CMP to lead the review in consultation with the SJS, the RCAF and the CJOC. The CDS noted that the concept that some of the forces may be projected into a higher risk area on missions may apply to other occupations.

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