Report of the National Seniors Council on Volunteering Among Seniors and Positive and Active Aging
Annex A: Summary of Suggestions for Action
The Council offers the following suggestions for the consideration of the Government of Canada.
Positive and Active Aging
Perceptions of Aging and Seniors
- Develop and implement a national campaign to address ageism and promote positive images of aging.
- Develop and demonstrate an “Ageism-Free” community tool to identify and address ageism.
Key Characteristics Promoting Positive and Active Aging
- Develop and hold a national conference on healthy living for seniors.
- Implement a seniors’ fitness tax credit that allows seniors to claim a certain amount of money per year for eligible fitness expenses.
- Continue to fund the New Horizons for Seniors Program.
- Develop and implement tools and resources to identify health risks facing senior caregivers to promote their health and well-being.
- Develop and implement a Seniors Independence Program covering a similar range of services that are available through the Government of Canada’s Veterans Independence Program.
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial collaboration on health care.
- Continue to invest in research on older drivers.
- Build on existing efforts to increase knowledge and awareness of existing federal services, benefits and programs available to seniors.
Designing Communities to Promote Positive and Active Aging
- Build on current government initiatives to improve community design considerations for seniors.
Research on Positive and Active Aging
- Continue to invest in research on positive and active aging.
Volunteering Among Seniors
Recruitment of Volunteers
- Support and promote initiatives that encourage baby boomer volunteering.
- Develop and implement a national social marketing campaign to promote volunteerism.
Support for Seniors Who Volunteer
- Implement a tax credit for volunteers that allows for a certain amount of money per year to be claimed for eligible volunteer expenses.
- Create a prime ministerial award that recognizes the contributions of Canada’s senior volunteers.
Building Partnerships Among Key Social Players
- Work with key private sector partners to promote volunteering among Canadians.
Research on Volunteering
- Continue federal investments in research on volunteering.
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