Publications and reports of the National Seniors Council

Since its inception, the National Seniors Council (NSC) has delivered reports containing recommendations to ministers on a range of issues, including:

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Age-friendly and healthy aging lens

With the older population in Canada expected to grow significantly in the coming years, it is important to ensure that the policies and programs that are being developed consider their needs and lived experiences.

In 2020, the National Seniors Council developed a healthy aging lens policy analysis tool for use in its role to provide advice to the Government of Canada.

Aging at home

Canadians are living longer and healthier lives than previous generations, and many people want to keep living independently in their homes and communities for as long as possible. More people in Canada and around the world are finding ways to support older persons to achieve or maintain their independence and quality of life as they age. As the older population in Canada is expected to grow, it's crucial to factor in healthy aging when designing policies, programs, services, and spaces.

In 2022, the Government of Canada asked the National Seniors Council to serve as an expert panel to examine measures that could further support Canadians to age at home or in their community. The Council reviewed literature, conducted an online public survey, hosted virtual roundtables with stakeholders and individuals with lived and living experience and held a series of key informant interviews with experts.


Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many organizations and experts have published reports with advice on how to safeguard the health and well-being of seniors. To inform the Government of Canada’s work during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council reviewed these reports and prepared advice on practical, high-impact, evidence based actions where the federal government could play a leadership role.

  • Seniors Well-Being in Canada: Building on Lessons Learned from the Pandemic contains 22 short-, medium-, and long-term recommendations in support of seniors’ health and well-being within the full continuum of support and care. The Council based its advice on a review of over 40 national and international reports. It paid special attention to seniors in long-term care and congregate living homes.
  • On June 3, 2021, the NSC Chairperson, Dr. Suzanne Dupuis-Blanchard, appeared before HUMA (the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.) As the meeting focused on HUMA’s study on the impact of COVID-19 on seniors, Dr. Dupuis-Blanchard presented key findings from the Council’s report.

Financial crimes and harms

Seniors have the right to age with dignity and free from financial abuse. To inform its advice to the federal government on ways to reduce financial crimes and harms against seniors, the NSC undertook engagement activities, in 2018-2019, to hear from seniors, those who provide services to seniors, experts and federal officials on ways to improve the financial security of Canadian seniors by protecting consumers and addressing crimes that target seniors.

  • What we heard report: Financial crimes and harms against seniors (2019) summarizes the main themes that were raised at engagement events; introduces available data and research on the topic; and provides valuable information on the range of financial crimes and harms against seniors that are being perpetrated, as well as different interventions, resources, and initiatives to address these.

Social isolation

Canada’s population is aging rapidly as a growing proportion of baby boomers transitions into the senior years. In this context, the issue of social isolation—which has profound impacts on the health and well-being of seniors—is an increasingly important issue related to seniors and aging in Canada. From 2013 to 2017, the NSC led various engagement activities (regional and national roundtables, an online survey) and reviewed the literature to better understand social isolation and provide advice on ways to address and reduce it among seniors.

Labour force participation

Governments and workforce experts agree that the labour force participation of older workers will be essential for Canada’s future economic prosperity. From 2011 to 2013, the NSC examined the issue, through regional and national roundtables, online surveys and meetings with key employers, to identify the barriers inhibiting the labour force participation of seniors and near seniors.

Intergenerational relations

The demographic shift is changing the face of the Canadian population. It will not only impact the balance of different generational cohorts, but also magnify the importance of the way different generations interact with one another. Through various engagement activities (roundtables, individual meetings, online consultation) led in 2010 and 2011, the NSC explored new or existing strategies and policies that could foster optimal intergenerational understanding, goodwill, co-operation—and thus social cohesion—as the population ages.

Volunteering and active aging

Positive and active aging focuses on strengthening the recognition of seniors as valued members of society, while optimizing opportunities for seniors to remain healthy and independent, and be active participants in their communities. In 2010, the NSC engaged with Canadians through roundtables in different parts of the country to share good practices, learn more about positive and active aging and volunteering among seniors, and identify areas for possible federal government action.

Low income among seniors

Overall, Canadian seniors, while not affluent, are financially secure; however, the issue of low income among seniors remains an important one to address. From 2007 to 2009, to better understand the complexity of the issue, the NSC examined the income, wealth and expenditure patterns of seniors and met with individuals and organizations working with seniors to discuss the experiences and challenges faced by low-income seniors in their communities.

Elder abuse

Momentum for action on elder abuse has been building within the federal government for years. Elder abuse is an issue that can affect any senior. However, some seniors may be at greater risk of experiencing some type of abuse. In 2007, the NSC led roundtables and consulted with Canadians to learn more about the issue; provide organizations with an opportunity to share good practices for raising awareness of, responding to and preventing elder abuse; and identify areas for possible federal government action.

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